10+ Cancer-Killing Foods That Are Better Than Chemo And Radiation !

Cancer is a deadly disease, but it is also a wonderful revenue generation tool for multi-national conglomerates. Nature offers thousands of natural compounds that have been, tested for its anticancer activity, but only a small part of them have shown to target and kill cancer stem cells, which are considered to be the heart of every cancer malignancy.

We know that there are thousands of natural compounds that have been studied with demonstrable anti-cancer activity , but only a small subset of these have been proven to target and kill the cancer stem cells which lie at the root of cancer malignancy.

Also, more recently researchers have found that ginger contains a compound that is more effective at killing breast cancer stem cells, compared to the chemotherapy drug Taxol (Paclitaxel). Even foods like blueberries are rich in ellagic acid, which possesses cancer stem cell killing properties.

A recent research published in the journal Anticancer Research titled Natural Products That Target Cancer Stem Cells, composed a special category of cancer killers by reviewing the literature available and composed the list of the top 23 substances, in this category.

We want to set the record straight on 23 substances. Driven by the evidence, not by rhetoric or anecdote, we are suggesting to you this list:

  • Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) – Green Tea
  • 6-Gingerol – Ginger
  • β-Carotene – Carrot, Leafy Greens
  • Baicalein – Chinese Skullcap
  • Curcumin – Turmeric
  • Cyclopamine – Corn Lilly [we do not suggest consuming this plant; this simply illustrates natural components exist that kill cancer stem cells]
  • Delphinidin – Blueberry, raspberrry
  • Flavonoids (Genistein) – Soy, red clover, coffee
  • Gossypol – Cottonseed [we do not suggest consuming this plant; this simply illustrates natural components exist that kill cancer stem cells]
  • Guggulsterone – Commiphora (myrrh tree)
  • Isothiocyanates – Cruciferous vegetables
  • Linalool – Mint
  • Lycopene – Grapefruit, tomato
  • Parthenolide – Feverfew
  • Perylill alcohol – Mint, cherry, lavender
  • Piperine – Black pepper
  • Placycodon saponin – Playycodon grandifloruim
  • Psoralidin – Psoralea corylilyfolia
  • Quercetin – Capers, onion
  • Resveratrol – Grapes, plums, berries
  • Salinomycin – Streptomyces albus
  • Silibinin – Milk Thistle
  • Ursolic acid – Thyme, basil, oregano.

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