10 Cleaning Tricks Everyone Needs To Know!

Cleaning the home or your office can be a tiring, long and difficult task. Therefore, we will reveal 10 easy tricks that will help you clean the place quickly and almost effortlessly!

Washing machine

Pour two cups of vinegar in your washing machine and turn it off to work for an hour. Then, repeat the cycle once more. Use a sponge and vinegar and clean any dirt inside it.

Then, pour 2 cups of bleach inside it, and turn it on to work for another hour. Use cotton swabs to clean crannies, lids, nooks and knobs, and turn it on again. Afterward, the machine will be shiny as new!

Light bulbs

Use a microfiber cloth to clean the light bulbs in your home.

Toilet rings

Place a piece of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on the toilet ring, leave it to act during the night. In the morning, the toilet seat will be perfectly clean.

Fragrant rooms

Mix a cup of coffee with 2 bottle caps of vanilla extract and create a fantastic smell for your house! Put this mixture in the oven at 300 F for one hour and you will get a great, natural, air freshener.

Carpet and mattress stains

Mix dish soap and some hydrogen peroxide and you can clean all the stubborn stains on your carpet and mattresses.


Soak sheets in fabric softener and use them to lean your baseboards.

Water stains

Rub the tap with wax paper to clean water stains, and to create a protective layer which will prevent fingertips and water stains.

Cleaning sponge

Wet cleaning sponges are a perfect environment for the development of bacteria, so they are thus easily transferred on your dishes.  Therefore, put your sponge in a microwave for 2 minutes every day and you will effectively clean it.


In order to boost the effect of alkaline cleaners, fill the bathtub with hot water.

Sticky mess

Mix coconut oil and baking soda in equal amounts, and apply this combination on the stains and you will get rid of them fast.

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