10 Foods That Unclog Arteries In A Totally Natural Way

In this article we will present you 10 ingredients that are most effective in the process of unblocking and preventing the occurrence of serious diseases.


According to theUniversity of Southampton, a study related to fish and its role in preventing clogged arteries showed that fish, especially tuna and salmon, are rich in omega – 3 oils that prevent fatty deposits to accumulate in the arteries. The fatty acids found in fish prevent oxidation of cholesterol and formation of a clot.


This plant is excellent source of folic acid and potassium and helps in the prevention of hypertension. It frees the arteries by preventing the formation of cholesterol and heart attacks at the same time. Lutein, another component of spinach, acts as a good protector against macular degeneration associated with aging.


Garlic is a plant since ancient times is being used to treat various diseases. Mostly is used in the treatment of high blood pressure, and heart disease, but many studies showed that garlic has an incredibly effect in preventing coronary artery calcification.

Cranberry Juice

With just 3 cups per one week of this juice, you will successfully unclog arteries. This juice increases the ability of cells to absorb fats and produce energy, and does not allow the fat to accumulate in the blood vessels.

Olive oil

Several surveys have shown that olive oil is great in preventing cholesterol. He oxidize and stick to artery. The most important part of the olive oil are monounsaturated fats that eliminate bad cholesterol.


Compound that is found in tomatoes that helps prevent hardening of the arteries, claim Korean researchers. That ingredient is called lycopene and gives red color to tomatoes. Moreover, they found that women with high levels of lycopene in the blood have fewer problems with the arteries.


Oat fiber is the main ingredient that is soluble and it does not allow the creation of cholesterol. These fibers are linked to cholesterol and assist in its ejection from the body.

Studies have shown that if you want to reduce your cholesterol level by almost 20%, you should eat 1.5 to 2.5 cups of cooked oats per day.


Pomegranate is very powerful fruit that has antioxidant properties and helps in fight against hardening of the arteries, because it reduces damage to the blood vessels and prevents the progression of the disease.

Kiwi and melon

Only 1 cup of cantaloupe and kiwi per a day unclogs arteries. This is due to the high content of antioxidants, and their power to reduce bad cholesterol.


The most useful ingredients of grapes are flavonoids, resveratrol and quercetin. They are good in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol that leads to the formation of plaque on the artery walls.Grapes helps reduce the risk of developing blood clots that lead to heart disease.

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