11 Ways Dehydration Is Making You Fat, Sick, And Tired

As you probably know 73% of our body weight is water. The percent of water is drastically reduced with sick and overweight people and it`s about 43%. Healthy men in average have 65% water and women slightly more.

Recent studies revealed that 3 in 4 American have problem with chronic dehydration.  So it is not strange that the number of people with poor health and the number of people with obesity is the same.

Do you know the health problems that can be caused by chronic dehydration?  Drinking less water than the recommended amount makes your skin soft, decreases the work of your digestive system, leads to some kidney diseases, makes you feel tired and causes headaches.

All these are there reasons why it is really important for you to drink 16 ounces of water every day. This routine will help you normalize blood pressure and get your internal organs work properly.  Actually the rule is to drink an ounce of water for every pound of body weight that you have.

The thing is that we lose water during the day through urination, bowel movements, and breathing and it needs to be replaced. Give an end to the chronic dehydration and you will see how much better you will feel.

Here are 11 things to watch out for:


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