Even though scientists are still connecting the dots between eczema and diets, it is most probable that this common inflammatory skin condition is a result of the following foods.

Yet, its symptoms can also be aggravated by stress, environment, and your diet.

According to Kathleen McCoy, BS:

“In fact, eczema isn’t a single condition; it is actually a group of skin conditions that include atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, hand eczema, neurodermatitis, nummular eczema, and stasis dermatitis. Finding a soothing, natural eczema treatment can be life-changing for those suffering from this frustrating condition.

Eczema typically first appears in very young children with research finding that 65 percent of cases occur before infants hit their first birthday, and 90 percent of those affected have their first cases before they turn 5 years old. Of further concern is that eczema in children is becoming more and more common. Diseases eczema can resemble include psoriasis, rosacea, and dermatitis, but it’s a different condition.”

Foods, intolerances, and food allergies can cause flares, as well as stress, chemicals and medicines, fabrics, and breast milk.  This condition can seriously disrupt life, and despite the itching, it can show up anywhere on the body, including the face. Active flares cause even more stress, which in turn, is counterproductive in the process of treating it.


“And while there is no definitive answer as to the cause of eczema, and there is no identified cure, there are effective natural treatments, home remedies and essential oils for eczema that may help prevent future flares and ease discomfort during an outbreak. It is important to understand that eczema is an embarrassing, stressful and frustrating condition that often disrupts sleeping patterns. Finding an eczema treatment to help relieve the symptoms must be a top priority.”

The following list contains foods which usually aggravate eczema flares, but note that everyone is different, and some people can consume them without any issue:

  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Shellfish
  • Soy
  • Dairy
  • Milk products
  • Gluten
  • Eggs
  • Tomatoes
  • Oranges
  • Grapes
  • Processed foods, including sausages and bacon

It is useful to keep a diary, in order to note your flares and the foods that cause it. Remember to note down the clothes you wear, stress, perfumes, and soaps, in order to identify the triggers.  You can also do a skin test at your allergist.

Many diets have proven to be beneficial in the treatment of eczema, such as the standard elimination diet. It restricts certain foods, usually one at a time, in order to remove all suspected foods, and then slowly incorporate them back. This allows the body to heal, and reset after a small period of time. 

The following elimination diets have also been found to be beneficial:

  • Gluten Free
  • Sugar-Free
  • Modified low carb—Paleo, Atkins, and Keto
  • Lactose-free
  • Fasting Elimination Diet—only under the guidance of a doctor

You can also try plant-based diets, but make sure you consult a nutritionist, doctor, or naturopath before you begin.

Additionally, you can take supplements including probiotics, vitamin B complex, omega-3 fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid, vitamins B complex, D, C, and E.

Here are some effective ways to treat eczema:

Colloidal Oatmeal Bath

This treatment relieves the symptoms of eczema. Add a cup to your bath, and soak in it for 10 minutes.


These medications fight inflammation and soothe the itchy rashes.

Essential Oils

Essential oils, such as basil, lavender, tea tree oil, bergamot, eucalyptus, chamomile, and thyme, have powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

You can either diffuse them or apply them topically in a combination with a carrier oil, like coconut jojoba, olive, almond, or vitamin E oil. Add 3 drops of the essential oil to the carrier oil, mix well, and apply the mixture to the affected area. Repeat 2-3 times daily.

Furthermore, if you suffer from eczema, you should rethink all your lifestyle choices and products you use.

Keep the skin hydrated at all times, and shorten the time you spend in the shower. Use unscented, dye-free skin and beauty care products, and mineral makeup. Avoid perfumes, and use plain Castile or goat’s milk soap.

To lower stress, practice yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises. Use a natural sunscreen, and do not scratch the affected skin areas.

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