13 Signs You Have a TOXIC Tooth Infection and How to Treat it Without Going to the Dentist

The term an abscessed tooth refers to an infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth. It leads to severe tooth decay and can be a result of bacteria that enter the tooth (through a dental cavity, chip, or crack) and spreads down to the root tip.

The most common causes include high-sugar diets, poor dental hygiene, gingivitis, severe tooth decay, and sticky foods. An abscessed tooth might cause numerous complications if left untreated, such as inflammation and pain.

It loses the ability to fight infections which can reach the pulp chamber of the tooth, and when the root tooth dies, the pain is reduced. Yet, this does not mean that the infection is gone, as it might spread and affect the surrounding tissue.

In the worst case, it might spread to the bone that supports the tooth and leads to severe life-threatening complications.

An abscessed tooth causes bad breath, throbbing and sharp toothaches, red and sore gums, pain when chewing food, altered ability to taste, swelling of the cheek, fevers, difficulty swallowing food, swollen lymph nodes under the jaw, and general discomfort.

The following natural remedies are extremely effective in alleviating these symptoms:


The active compound of garlic, allicin, is a potent natural antibiotic which prevents bacterial infections, and its anti-inflammatory properties relieve pain due to the swelling.


  • 3-4 garlic cloves


Wash the garlic cloves, peel them, crush them, and squeeze out the juice, in order to stimulate the release of allicin. Then, apply the juice to the tooth twice daily. You can also eat 2-3 cloves of garlic.

2.Wet Black Tea Bag

Black tea bags have antioxidants that destroy infections and absorb the toxins and pus.


  • Black tea bag
  • Warm water


Soak the black tea bag in the water for a few minutes, and then place it on the swelling while holding or sucking on it. Leave it thus for a few hours, and then rinse the mouth with a salt water solution. Repeat once daily.

  1. Water and Salt Rinses

The powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties of salt will soothe inflammation, stop the infection, and prevent bacterial growth in the mouth.


  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 1 glass of warm water


Pour the salt into warm water and stir until it is fully dissolved. Then, rinse the mouth with the solution and spit it out. Repeat a few times during the day.

  1. Potato

Potatoes are alkaline in nature, but have acidic properties, and have strong antiseptic qualities, so they slough off dead cells and other toxins.


  • Slice of raw potato


Place the potato slice on the painful area and leave it to act for half an hour. When you remove it, you should notice a bit of discoloration over it, which means that it pulled out the toxins of the infected tooth.

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide

This potent antimicrobial agent will help you eliminate tooth abscesses, and its disinfectant and antibacterial properties destroy bacteria and reduce inflammation and pain.


  • 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide
  • Baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of warm water


Mix 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with 1 tablespoon of warm water, and rinse the mouth with the mixture. You can also mix a teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide, and prepare a paste, which should be applied on the affected area for a few minutes. Then, rinse the mouth.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains two beneficial acids, acetic acid, and malic acid, which provide its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. It also acts as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory and alleviates pain and inflammation.


  • 1 tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar


You should pour it in the mouth and swish it around for 5 minutes. Then, spit it out, and repeat 2-4 times daily.

  1. Oil Pulling

This ancient Ayurvedic practice provides numerous benefits, as it eliminates bacteria and toxins from the mouth and improves oral health.


  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • Warm water


Swish a teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil in the mouth for 15 minutes, spit it out, and rinse the mouth with warm water. Repeat twice daily.

  1. Echinacea

This popular natural antibiotic relieves pain and inflammation caused by infections.


  • Echinacea herb or a tea bag
  • Water


Mix the warm water with the herb or a tea bag, steep it for 5 minutes, strain, and rinse the mouth with it for a few times daily.

  1. Peppermint Oil

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint oil treat inflammation and reduce the pain caused by an abscessed tooth.


  • 2-4 drops of Peppermint oil


Pour few drops of this oil on a cotton swab and apply it directly on the painful spot.  Hold it against the tooth for several minutes. You can apply the oil with the finger as well. Repeat 3-4 times daily.


The strong antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric soothe the inflammation and pain and support oral health.


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • Warm water


Prepare a paste by mixing a teaspoon of turmeric powder with water, and apply it on the tooth. Leave it for 15 minutes to act, and then rinse it off. You can also prepare the paste by combining 14 teaspoons of turmeric and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

11.Oregano Oil

This oil also has powerful antibacterial, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which fight infections,  numbs the area of the abscessed tooth by destroying the bacteria in the pus, accelerates the healing process, and strengthens the immune system.


  • 2-3 drops of oregano oil


On a cotton swab, pour a few drops of oregano oil, and apply it on the tooth. Leave it to act for 5 minutes, and rinse it off. You can also make your own homemade mouthwash by mixing 3 to 5 drops of oregano with ¼ cup of warm water. Swish the solution in the mouth for 5 minutes, and spit it out. Repeat a few times daily.

  1. Chamomile

The anti-inflammatory properties of Chamomile heal the injured tissues. You can use the herb or in the form of tea.

Apply the wet tea bag on the infected tooth, or drink 3-4 cups of chamomile tea daily. To reduce the swelling, make a poultice of chamomile and apply it topically over affected area a few times during the day.

The following additional tips will help you prevent an abscessed tooth:

  • Brush the teeth twice a day
  • Avoid chewing too chewing gums
  • Change your toothbrush every 3-4 months
  • Avoid junk foods and focus on healthier food choices
  • Quit smoking
  • After brushing the teeth, use an antimicrobial mouthwash to swish your mouth in the morning
  • Avoid caffeine in the case of tooth pain or infection.

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