Use garlic for healthy benefits, beauty uses and hidden home repairs.

Grow beautiful hair with garlic

Garlic contains big amount of allicin which is a sulfur compound similar like the one found in onions. This compound makes it great for prevention and treatment of hair loss. Slices some garlic and rub it into your scalp, while doing this try to squeeze it for more benefits. Additionally you can add some oil and massage your head gently with it.

Garlic clears acne

Maybe you haven’t heard till now about this usage of garlic but it is a natural substitution for acne medications. The antioxidants that it contains kill the bacteria and in that way make the acnes and blemishes disappear. Take some sliced garlic and pimple for effective treatment of your face.

Garlic prevents and treats colds

Start consuming garlic every day adding it to all the foods that you prepare and your immune system will be increased. Next time when you catch a cold try treating it with a garlic tea. Put some chopped or minced garlic in boiling water for several minutes, after that strain the tea and drink it. This tea is not much tasty but you can improve the taste by adding some honey or ginger.

Soothe psoriasis with garlic

Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and by using it you can prevent psoriasis outbreaks.  Just rub some garlic oil on the affected area of your skin and you will notice the improvement.

Control your weight with garlic

The nutritionist Cynthia Sass claims that garlic is great for accelerating the weight loss process. She cites a study which has been based on mice. They were eating a garlic-rich diet and reduced their weight and fat stores. We recommend you to include garlic in your diet everyday and you will have waist-friendly meals.

Remove a splinter with garlic

This one is widely known old folk cure that dates back in the history, but it has become very popular in the past years since many bloggers write about it. Just place a slice of garlic over the sliver and cover it with a bandage or duct tape.

Treat athlete’s foot with garlic

Thanks to its anti-fungal properties, garlic could be a good way to get rid of itchy athlete’s foot. All you have to do is to prepare some warm water with crushed garlic and soak your feet in it.

Keep away mosquitoes with garlic

Scientists couldn’t find the reason why but mosquitoes don’t seem to like garlic. A study was conducted in India and the scientists concluded that people who rubbed a garlicky concoction on their arms and legs weren’t bothered by the pesky buggers.

You can use garlic for this purpose in two different ways: prepare a solution of garlic oil, petroleum jelly, and beeswax for a natural repellant or simply place cloves of garlic nearby.

Garlic conquers cold sores

There is an old cold sore home remedy that includes holding crushed garlic directly on the cold sore; its natural anti-inflammatory properties could help reduce pain and swelling.

Garlic works as natural glue

If you have ever chopped or peeled garlic then you had surly noticed how sticky your fingers get after that. And particularly this property of garlic is the reason why some people claim that garlic can fix hairline cracks in glass. Crush some cloves and rub the juice on the crack, wiping away any excess.

De-ice your sidewalk with garlic

A town in Iowa used donated garlic salt to remove ice from roadways. So don`t throw away the old garlic salt, save it for an icy walkway.

Protect plants with garlic

Garden pests get away from garlic, so instead of buying pesticides prepare it on your own by using garlic. Mix garlic, mineral oil, water, and liquid soap. Pour into a spray bottle and mist your plants to keep away destructive critters.

Catch more fish with garlic

It has been proven that the garlic scent attracts fish. There are baits with the smell built in that can be bought in the markets, but you can also make your own by using food scraps and plenty of cloves.

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