17 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Two Ripe Bananas Every Day For 30 Days

Bananas are ones of the healthiest fruits on the planet, and the richest sources of potassium.  The consumption of two bananas daily will provide countless health benefits, since these nutrient-packed fruits improve health and lower the risk of various ailments and diseases.

Additionally, note that you will benefit the most from the ripest bananas you can find since its ripeness increases the number of antioxidants.

According to the Spoon University, the starch in an almost of fully brown banana has broken down into sugar , so they are sweeter, and many people often use mushy bananas to bake with, as chlorophyll has taken a new form. The breakdown of chlorophyll is the main cause for the increased antioxidant levels as bananas age. This means that a fully brown banana is an antioxidant powerhouse.

On the other hand, slightly overripe bananas are better option for people that have trouble digesting the food. A greener banana has more “resistant starch,” which is more difficult to digest, but can be good for you, since “good gut bacteria” like it. According to Nicholas Gillitt, the vice president of nutrition research and director of the Dole Nutrition Institute, it is the kind of starchy material that bacteria seek to feed on.

Therefore, when the resistant starch changes to simple sugar, a banana ripens, and researchers claim that more ripe bananas are easier to digest for the average person. Bananas boost health in so many different ways due to their impressive nutritional value.

Therefore, if you eat two bananas daily for a month, you will:

— Improve brain function due to the high magnesium and potassium levels

— Balance your hormones, because bananas are abundant in potassium and B6 vitamins

— Prevent brain disorders, since bananas are high in magnesium, and help in the conversion of fatty acids into DHA, an important Omega-3 which lowers the risks of neurological disorders such as ADHD and Alzheimer’s disease, and B-vitamins, which prevent Parkinson’s disease

— Improve memory, because bananas are abundant in magnesium, potassium, and tryptophan

— Improve heart health, since bananas are rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and B6, and low in sodium

— Treat heartburn, as potassium reduces the stomach acidity, and fiber helps digestion

— Improve blood health, since the high iron content will prevent anemia and keep the blood healthy, while the B6 vitamin will increase the production of white blood cells

— Lower blood pressure, because bananas are low in sodium and high in potassium

— Help you give up smoking, as they are a powerful mixture of nutrients that prevent nicotine withdrawal symptoms

— Fight depression, as bananas are rich in tryptophan, which turns into serotonin in the body

— Cure hangovers, owing to their high levels of electrolytes

— Treat constipation, due to the high levels of fiber bananas contain

— Treat stomach ulcers, for the reason that bananas contain sitoindosides, which prevent and heal them

— Strengthen the bones, in view of the fact that these fruits boost the absorption of calcium in the body

— Fight illness, seeing that bananas are loaded with antioxidants and prevent free radical damage that can cause heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and muscular and tissue degeneration.

— Energize the body, due to the high fiber levels, and the three natural sugars in bananas, fructose, glucose, and sucrose

— Stimulate weight loss, since bananas are low in calories, but rich in fiber that will keep you full longer

Pretty amazing, isn’t it?

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