5 Things You Should Never do Before Bedtime

Do you have trouble sleeping, even though you do everything you can to fall asleep? You toss and turn, count sheep, get up, have a cup of tea, and still when down, your mind just won’t shut off.

This feeling of complete exhaustion and yet being unable to get the sleep that you need can quickly become frustrating and can be absolutely brutal.

However, the problem might not be in what you aren’t doing, but in what you’re doing before going to bed. You might have some habits that make it harder for you to fall asleep easily.

5 Nighttime Habits to be Avoided :

  1. Drinking Alcohol

A glass of wine or a beer before going to bed will not make you sleepy, even if it seems that way. Alcohol actually impairs your REM sleep which leads to lower quality sleep, and causes you to wake up feeling groggy and tired. Furthermore, alcohol is a diuretic, so it will likely cause late night trips to the bathroom, which will once again interrupt your sleep.

  1. Eating Chocolate

Chocolate treats may be tasty, especially at night when you relax, but besides contributing to weight gain, they can also keep you up. A tiny sliver of fudge cake or a little chocolate ice cream might seem harmless, but if your body is sensitive to caffeine at all, it will affect your sleep. And even though dark chocolate is a healthier option, it often contains even more caffeine.

  1. Texting, TV, Facebook…..

Many studies have confirmed this, and we’ve all heard it before – electronic devices keep you up. They emit a blue light that inhibits the brain from producing melatonin, which is the hormone responsible for making us sleepy.

Most experts recommend putting down the phone and shutting off the TV and computer at least an hour before going to bed. Instead, you could read a book, go for a light walk, or actually interact with real life people. However, if you must have your computer or TV on, try to at least keep your face as far away from the screen as possible and to turn down the brightness if possible.

  1. Working Out

Since most of us start work in the morning, it is hard to find time for a work out until after dinner. But doing so can keep you up. And if you do exercise at night, at least try to do it four hours before you plan to go to sleep. It would be ideal if you could exercise before work, or during lunch, if possible, since people who exercise regularly generally sleep better than people who don’t.

  1. Consuming Anything at All Before Bed

Eating right before going to bed can lead to digestive discomfort, so try to eat dinner at least two hours before going to sleep. Also, check if you are taking any medications at night that cause alertness. And avoid drinking tea before bed, because it can also contain more caffeine than you realize.

Developing healthy sleep habits, and getting into a good routine with no alcohol, no food, and no blue light, will help you be sound asleep in no time.

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