5 Workouts That Burn Lots of Calories You Should Really Know

Many people are aware of their body and they know that they don’t look perfect. Having a well shaped body require a time spent in a gym exercising and consuming a healthy diet.  When someone mentions the topic of how to lose weight the first thing that comes to mind to many people are diet products.

All of this products promise to help you bur fats in a very short period of time without effort. Well maybe some of them are really effective but most of them aren’t and all that they promise is a bunch of lies.  Experts are divided over the question whether it is really possible to increase metabolism and burn fats, some believe that there is a possibility while other are not that sure.

The only truth is that there is a possibility to lose weight naturally and a really effective way for this is too move your body a lot every day.

Some researches show that one particular exercise has been proven to be really effective in reducing the extra pounds. Read the following text and reveal how you can reach the prefect body.

Say Goodbye to Belly Fat with These 5 Moves

Move #1: Swiss Ball Plank

A Swiss ball will be needed for this exercise, so before you start provide one.  Place your forearms over the Swiss ball, and at the same time keep your feet on the ground in a straight position. Put an effort and stay in this position at least for two minutes.

Move #2: Swiss Ball Pass

Lie on the floor and place the Swiss ball in between your hands. Then gently move your arms and legs simultaneously.  Try to pass the ball to your legs crunching up your center. Pass the ball to your hands and slowly lower down your legs and arms to the ground. At the beginning you might find it difficult but try repeating this for 25 minutes in 3 separate sets.

Move #3 Swiss Ball Side Plank

Now lie on your side and bent your knees and forearm on the ground. Place the ball under feet and straighten your legs.  Stack the ball with your knees and lift up your hips in a way in which you will form a strength line. Then lift your abdomen and keep this position until you count to 3. Slowly take up the initial position.  Make a 3 sets in which you will make this exercise for 10 times.

Move #4 Swiss Ball Sit ups

Take the ball and sit on it with your toes up against the wall. Fold your arms across the chest, and slowly lower your torso until you can feel your lower back touching the ball. After this sit again on the ball. Do this exercise in 3 separate sets repeating it 40 times.

Move #5 Swiss Ball Superman

Put the ball under your stomach and separate your hips wide apart, at the same time placing your feet on the ground. Then, place your hands behind your head and lower your torso, until it feels like you’re looking at the ground. Lift up easily and keep this position until you count to 2. Make 3 stets repeating the steps 20 times.

Firm Your Butt with These 5 Exercises

Exercise #1: One Leg Lift Bridges

Lie on your back, bent your knees at a 90-degree angle. At the same time place your arms on the side. Lift your left leg up. While doing this you should feel that you are lifting your buttocks off the ground. Do the same exercise with the other leg. Do 4 sets in which you will repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercise #2 Swiss Ball Side Raise

Put the ball on your right and kneel down. Put your right arm on the top of the ball, while doing this extend your left leg to the side. Then lift you leg up and get back to the former position. Do 4 sets repeating the exercise 12 times.

Exercise #3 Pulse Squats

Put your feet and shoulders should width apart and your hands out in front. Squat down in a 90-degree angle and drop a few inches every time. Do 4 sets repeating the exercise 25 times in each.

Exercise # 4 Swiss Ball Plank with Kick-up

Start the exercise by putting your hands on the ground and keeping your shins on the ball. By doing this, your body should be in a plank position. Keep your right leg straight, while slowly lifting the left– holding it for 2 counts. Lower first your left leg and then do the same with the other leg. Alternate for 15 reps on each leg and perform 4 sets.

Exercise #5 Step ups on Bench

Place your feet and shoulders wide apart, and step your right leg up onto the chair. This would tighten your gluts while you are pressing your left heel. Repeat the same exercise with the other leg. Do 4 sets repeating the exercise 15 times in each.

5 Effective BOSU Exercises

Exercise #1: BOSU Squat.

Do you want sharp legs? In order to achieve this you should try BOSU squat. This exercise will make your body stronger.

The following is what you should do for this exercise: place the BOSU ball on the floor, put one foot on the flat side of it and stand up tall. While doing this your hands should be in front of you. Then try to squat your body into 90-degree angle. Go back to the initial position. Repeat the exercise 30 times separated in 3 sets.

Extra tip: if you are in a good form and you want to make the exercise more difficult use weights.

Exercise #2: BOSU Deadlift

Use BOSU ball to strengthen your muscles. Place the ball on the floor and put your foot over it then stand up tall. Bend your legs a little, while maintaining a straight posture and squeeze your buttocks too. Repeat the exercise 30 times in 3 separate sets.

Extra tip: add more weight if you ready for more challenge.

Exercise #3: BOSU Crunch

The focus here is on the core muscles. Place the ball on the ground and sit on it. – with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and feet flat on the ground, while hands behind your head. Slowly rise up and feel the contraction in your abdominal area.  Stay in this position until you count to 2 and then lower down for 4 counts. Repeat this 25 time in 3 separate sets.

Exercise #4: BOSU Push-up

This exercise will help you strengthen your chest area.
Place the ball against the floor and hold it with your hands on the side. Move your body until it gets into a plank position. Bend your elbows and lower your chest. Do 3 sets repeating the exercise from 12 to 30 times.

Exercise #5: BOSU Burpees

According to many people this is the most effective way of losing weight. Just repeat it from 12 to 20 times separate in 3 sets and you will get the long desired body. Place the BOSU ball on the floor and hold it with hands on each edge. Begin Jump feet out and move to a plank position. Keep your back straight and stand up, lifting the ball above your head.

5 Effective Moves for a Toned Inner Thigh

Swiss Ball Squeeze

Sit down on the Swiss ball and hold it tight with your knees. Tightly squeeze the ball and hold it for 5 seconds. Relax your legs and then repeat the same 15 times in 3 sets.

Side Lunge

Stand on two legs and then step to your left while bending the left knee, lowering it down into a side lunge. Make sure that your back is straight and pull the leg to the opposite direction. Repeat on the opposite side 15 times for 3 sets.

Lying Inner Thigh Lifts

Lie down and lift up your feet. Separate your legs and move them back together. Make this in 3 sets repeating the exercise in 30 times.

Inner Thigh Side Lifts

Lie on the right side with your forearm against the ground, while your shoulder is below your elbow. At the same time stick your legs and move the left leg behind your right leg, doing a 90 degree angle bend– keep your foot on the ground. Now lift your left leg up, and down. Do on your left side and perform 3 sets of 25 reps.

Side Runs

Step out wide to your left, then bring your right leg to the left. Move as fast as you can and do 10 steps. Repeat on the opposite side as well and perform 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.

5 Moves to Eliminate Back Fat

Jumping Jacks

Stand straight and relax your arms. Jump your legs out while lifting your arms. Jump back to start, which means feet together and arms at side. This shouldn’t take you more than 1 minute.


Separate your feet wide apart. Bend your knees slightly, but keep your back flat as you reach the free weights to almost knee height. Stand upright with the weights on your side. Make 3 sets repeating the exercise for 25 times and you will be more than amazed by the results.

Oblique Twist

Start by bending your knees with your feet flat against the floor. If you want take some weight between your hands and slowly lean back until you feel some contraction filling up your abdominals. Then, reach the free weight to your right side, and perform this on the opposite side as well.


Lie on your stomach and relax your arms, at the same time stretch your legs. Then start lifting up your legs slowly and try to lift your torso as well. Repeat the exercise 20 times in 3 sets.


Lie on your back, bend your knees and keep your feet flat. Lift up your hips off the ground. Repeat the exercise 25 times in 3 sets.

Have in mind that before your start exercising and changing your diet you should consult your doctor. Especially if you have any kind of medical condition and you are taking some drugs, some activities may affect your health badly.

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