6 Hidden Household Toxins That Are Affecting Your Metabolism, Thyroid Glands And Belly Fat

Unfortunately, we are surrounded with so many toxins and harmful chemicals and some of them are doubtlessly terrible for our waistline.

If you are one of those who are trying to lose weight but simply cannot achieve any notable results, maybe the obesogens, a group of chemicals are the reason for your unsuccessful attempt to lose weight.

These chemicals can be found in almost every household item. They affect your hormones, appetite and thyroid, slow your metabolism, and cause many other terrible health conditions.

Moreover, even small doses of the obesogens cause these detrimental effects. You should try to eliminate these chemicals from your daily life, instead of trying to eat less or exercise more.

Keep reading and learn more about the following obesogens.

  1. Atrazine

Atrazine is type of pesticide which can be found in tap water and its presence results in slowing of the thyroid hormone metabolism. Pesticides are associated with insulin resistance in rodent and with an increased BMI in children.

In order to filter out pesticides and similar contaminants in your drinking water, installing a home water filtration is essential.

  1. Phthalates

These synthetic chemicals are used to soften the polyvinyl chloride, known as PVC plastic and they can be found literally everywhere, including air fresheners, toys, fragrance, shower curtains, and lunchboxes.

The phthalates have been shown to lower metabolism and testosterone levels, resulting in muscle loss and weight gain. It is recommended to replace synthetic fragrances with 100 percent natural essential oil alternatives as well as to avoid plastics with a #3 resin identification code.

  1. Perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA)

These obesogens are used in stain-resistance and non-stick applications, such as stain repellent on carpeting and mattresses, Teflon, microwavable food items, and waterproof clothing.

As revealed by various studies, early exposure to these chemical can result in obesity in later life. PFOA also affects thyroid glands, important regulators of hormones that control weight. It is recommended to use glass or earthenware for baking and cast iron or stainless steel for cooking.

  1. Bisphenol A ( BPA)

BPA is shown to increase insulin resistance and program cells to incorporate more fat. This chemical is used in cash register receipts, medical devices, in the lining of some canned foods, and in polycarbotane (#7) plastics.

In order to avoid the exposure to BPA, replace the canned foods with more fresh, organic produce, and look for stainless steel or glass containers.

  1. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers ( PBDEs)

PBDEs are used as flame retardants in electronics, building materials, furnishings, and other applications. As found in a 2011 UC Berkeley study, these chemicals are present in the blood of 97 percent of Americans and they are shown to interfere with hormone functioning, especially thyroid hormones.

You should purchase mattresses made after 2005 and look for the TB117-2013 tag on upholstery for furniture, likely made without flame retardant chemicals. In addition, opt for organic mattress that uses wool or nontoxic Kevlar as flame retardant.

  1. Tributyltin (TBT) and Triphenyltin (TPT)

Both TBT and TPT preserve wood and act as antifungals in textiles and industrial water systems. As many studies have shown that these obesogens are found in shellfish and seafood, it is recommended to reduce the fish intake and stick to a plant-based diet.

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