7 Interesting Facts You Need to Know About Your Blood Type!

Not all people know the high importance of the blood type and its impact on life, so we will present seven interesting facts to help you learn more about the blood running through your veins.

  1. Knowing Your Blood Type can save your life

It is of high importance to know your blood type, and you probably already know it. In the case of some accident, a car crash, for instance, the doctors will need to act immediately, and if you do not have the documentation with you, they will not be able to help you.

Additionally, in the case the blood transfusion is carried out with wrong blood type, the person can experience multiple complications, and his life may also be endangered.

  1. Different Nutritional Needs

Peter J. D’Adamo, an experienced naturopath, states that the nutritional needs vary among the different blood types.

This means that while individuals with blood type 0 should consume proteins, meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables since they are prone to indigestion and stomach issues, people with blood type A have a sensitive immune system, and should eat a lot of citrus fruits, broccoli, garlic, and spinach.

Also, they should avoid trans fats, vegetable oils, and alcohol. On the other hand, in the case of blood type AB, people lack enough stomach acid, meaning that they should stimulate its production and thus enable proper digestion. This may be achieved through the consumption of Manuka honey and apple cider vinegar.

  1. Check Your Blood Type If You Are constantly Stressed or Angry

Individuals with blood type 0 are more prone to angry outbursts, while the ones with blood type A produce increased amounts of cortisol, so they also have increased stress levels. Therefore, if you feel angry or stressed all the time, you may need to check your blood type.

  1. Blood types and Cancer

Some people are more prone to developing cancer than others. How can it be when we are all the same? Researchers believe it is all in the blood type, claiming that some blood types are in tighter relation with cancer than others.

This issue was examined so many times, and people with blood type O have 20% higher risk of developing stomach cancer.

Another similar research showed that blood type O is also associated with a greater chance of stomach ulcers. People with blood type A on the other hand, have problem dealing with LDL cholesterol.

  1. Blood Type Affects Belly Fat

In the case of blood type A, the body reacts badly to certain foods like shellfish, dairy, and meat, and causes bloating, acid reflux, indigestion, and a raised diabetes risk. Also, these people find it the hardest to lose the stubborn belly fat.

      6. Blood Type Influences the Personality

This fact has been known for long in the Asian medicine. Namely, the blood type affects the personality and people with the same blood type are often similar in habits and personality traits.

People with blood type 0 often worry so much, but are practical and organized, and the ones with AB blood type are strong, rational, and do not have a lot of worries. People with blood type B are outgoing, emotionally flexible, friendly, and the ones with type A, always think about others more than, as they are very compassionate.

  1. The Rh Factor in Blood Affects the Fetus

Blood, besides being classified in these 4 categories, A, B, AB, and O, it is also characterized by the Rh factor, which determined whether the person is Rh positive or Rh negative.

Nearly 85 percent of all people are Rh positive. In case two Rh people mate, there are no complications, but if a male with Rh positive factor mates with Rh negative woman, there are potential risks for the baby, which in some rare cases, can be even fatal.

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