7 Natural Ways to Improve The Elasticity of Your Skin

We all want to have a smooth and young-looking skin. However, as we age, elastosis occurs. It is a condition when there is a reduction in the elasticity of the skin, and the results are wrinkles, graying hair and reduced muscularity.

But don’t worry! There are ways to improve the elasticity of the skin using all-natural remedies. You can begin by making small changes in your diet, getting rid of bad habits and using essential oils that can help boost anti-aging benefits.

Here are 7 inexpensive and practical ways to promote better skin:
1. Include protein in your diet

Proteins make up the matrix of the cells in the body and they are very important for collagen good and elasticity.

Protein foods to eat: 

  • Peanut butter
  • almonds
  • eggs
  • sardines and
  • salmon
 2. Fruits and Vegetables

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can contribute to good skin elasticity.

Fruits and vegetables to eat:

3. Lutein

Lutein is an antioxidant present in spinach, other leafy green vegetables and egg yolks. According to studies, lutein may help improve skin elasticity. It can also be found as an ingredient in topical face products.

4. Drink the right amount of water

Water nourishes the cells in the body. However, some people don’t drink enough water. Without proper hydration, the skin appears dull, lackluster and listless, and will lack the turgor that gives it a youthful appearance.

What is the adequate amount of water to drink every day? According to the American Dietetics Association, the recommended amount for women is 9 cups and 12.5 cups for men.

5. Limit sun exposure

The skin serves as the body’s shield, but abusing it can create damage and might result in a worn-out appearance. Keep your skin covered and protected whenever you go outdoors. Make sunscreen a part of your daily routine.

6. Quit smoking

Smoking has many harmful effects on the body, but especially on the skin. It contributes to a reduction in youthful appearance and wrinkles. It is also the top cause of elastosis. Quitting smoking will soon result in positive changes in the body and improvement in the skin’s elasticity.

7. Regular exercise

Regular exercising can help improve the skin’s elasticity. Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise is enough to improve blood circulation. It will also give the benefit of removing any waste products and feeding the skin more effectively. It will result in a more youthful looking skin.

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