8 Homemade Sunscreen Recipes You Need To Try

You can probably feel the heat, since the temperature is getting higher with each day which means that summer has begun. In this period of the year exposing your skin on the sun is inevitable and you should keep in mind that you must protect it from the harmful rays of the sun.

There are many products that you can find in the stores that promise to protect your skin, but the negative thing about them is that they contain harmful chemical which are bad for your skin and at the same time they are expensive and not everyone can afford them. Knowing all this the best solution is to prepare a sunscreen on your own. After making a small research we collected some of the most effective homemade sunscreen recipes that have the same effect as the ones found in the stores with the difference that they have no harmful ingredients.

Most of the recipes that we are going to present you in this post contain ingredients with natural SPF but since it’s a natural recipe, you should know that it hasn’t been tested by a regulatory organization. From this you can probably conclude that we can`t give you the exact SPF level this sunscreen has.  But however in general the individual ingredients contain the following SPF levels: Coconut Oil: 4-6, Almond Oil: 5, Raspberry Seed Oil: 25-50, Zinc Oxide: 2-20, Shea Butter: 4-6 and Carrot Seed Oil: 35-40.

What you should also know is that the final version of these DIY sunscreens will also have various sun protective abilities. This mainly depends of the ingredients used and their percentage in each formulation. For example the simple version of Shea butter and coconut oil with some carrot and raspberry seed can protect your skin against moderate exposure to the sun.

Note! Before you decide to use any of these products it is recommended to consult doctor or dermatologist.

1. Olive and Almond Oil Recipe

This sunscreen lotion is consisted of both olive oil and almond oil. They are both great source of vitamin E and it is considered that almond oil has an SPF level of 5.

Ingredients needed:
  • 1 cup beeswax
  • 1 tablespoon vitamin E oil
  • 1 cup olive oil or almond oil
  • 2 tablespoon zinc oxide
  1. Take a jar and mix all the ingredients together in it excluding only zinc oxide
  2. Pour the jar with the mixture in a pan filled with boiling water. Be careful while doing this and ensure that the water doesn’t get inside the jar.
  3. The ingredients in the jar will melt from the heat and once everything is fully melted, add the zinc oxide.
  4. In the end mix it well and leave it for several hours to cool down. Keep it in a wide mouth store jar.
2. Zinc Oxide Lotion

If you want to prepare a sunscreen instantly and yet it to be effective this one is a perfect choice for you.

  1. Take a bottle of any type of natural body lotion that doesn’t have any citrus oil.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons to it and shake it.
  3. That’s all you have to do and you will have your homemade sunscreen prepared.
3. Coconut Oil Sunscreen

Coconut oil has excellent effect and has various usages. It has nourishing ability and is perfect conditioner and moisturizer. But besides this you can also use it to protect your skin from the sun.

Ingredients needed:
  • 1 cup Shea butter
  • 1 cup zinc oxide
  • 1 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1 cup water
  1. Mix all the ingredients together by using blender.
  2. After that transfer the mixture that you will get in a jar and keep it in a dry place.
  3. This is excellent choice for everyday usage.
4. Shea Butter Sunscreen

Nature offers us many products with sun safeguarding abilities and one of the most effective is Shea butter. It is great moisturizer and works well as natural sunscreen.


Apply the Shea butter all over the skin that is exposed on the sun and in that way you will block the harmful rays of the sun.

Note!  If you’re getting too much exposure from the sun, it is not recommended using it.

5. Vitamin E Oil Sunscreen

By combining vitamin E oil and zinc oxide you can prepare excellent natural and effective sunscreen.

Ingredients needed:
  • 2 tablespoons Shea butter
  • 1 cup beeswax
  • 2 tablespoon of zinc oxide
  • 20-30 drops of your favorite essential oil
  • 1 cup raspberry seed oil
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E oil
  1. Take the zinc oxide, vitamin E oil and the essential oil aside ant mix the rest ingredients in a jar.
  2. Pour the jar with the mixture in a pan filled with boiling water to melt the ingredients.
  3. After they are fully melted add the zinc oxide and mix it well.
  4. In the end add the vitamin E oil and your favorite essential oil and mix once again.

The best thing about this sunscreen is that it lasts up to 6 months and contains a number of sun guarding agents, including zinc oxide, Shea butter, and best of all, the raspberry seed oil with SPF 30.

6. Soy Oil and Sea Emollient Sunscreen

Soy oil and sea emollients combined can make a very powerful natural sunscreen that will affect positively your skin while protecting it from sun rays at the same time.

Ingredients needed:
  • 1 capsule vitamin E
  • 30 sea emollients
  • 22.5 g zinc oxide
  • 9 g lecithin powder
  • 0.5 g grape seed extract
  • 27 g soy oil

Melt the oil and add the ingredients together with the lecithin powder in it. Mix this well until you get a creamy consistency.

This one is the greatest natural sunscreen that is capable of protecting the skin.

7. Tea Leaves Sunscreen

Have you ever thought that there is a great sunscreen lying around your kitchen?  You might be surprised but tea leaves are wonderful ingredients for protecting your skin from the sun,

  1. Fill half a cup of water and soak 2 tablespoons of tea leaves in it.
  2. Keep it like that during the night and in the morning separate the water from the leaves.
  3. Pour the water in a spry bottle and spry your skin with it as often as needed.

Note! Keep the bottle in a fridge

8. Germ Oil Sunscreen

Despite that you can use it to nourish your skin you can also use germ oil as a sunscreen in a raw form. It has a natural SPF level of 20 and has the same effect as sun proofing lotion.

  • All of the above homemade sunscreens are not entirely waterproof that it should be reapplied after swimming or sweating.
  • Be attentive not to inhale Zinc oxide while preparing the sunscreen.
  • You should know that if you add more beeswax you will get a thicker sunscreen.
  • For fragrance, you can either use vanilla extract, coconut, or lavender oil.
  • Always store the sunscreens in the fridge or in a cool dry area.

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