9 Common Wounds Daughters Of Unloving Mothers Share

Although some might be adept in dealing with the consequences, it is a fact that those children who have been raised by an unloving mother face numerous struggles throughout life due to it.

However, no matter how distinct their stories might look like in the first place, these kids share a lot of things.

It is true, your unloving mother may have been different from someone else’s unloving mother but that does not mean you are different from others who had the same problems during their childhood.

Here are some things that most daughters of unloving mothers tend to go through.

While these things are more intense for some, and nowhere near as prominent for others, these issues are all there and happening.

As the years go by, we start seeing just how much of an influence our upbringing has on us, and well, growing up without the necessary love might have damaged you more than you want to admit.

The good thing about it all is that, if you accept the reality and acknowledging these things, you can change them.

Now, these are 9 common wounds most daughters of unloving mothers tend to face in life:

  1. They never feel good enough.

As a result of their mothers beating them down, they always have the feeling that anything they do is not good enough. And with making more efforts, they feel even further behind. Their accomplishments never amounted to anything in the eyes of their mothers and even now it has an impact on them.

  1. They don’t quite know how to set proper boundaries.

The daughters who grew up with mothers who refused to or didn’t know how to love them are also not quite good at setting boundaries. On many occasions, they have difficulties saying ‘no’ and let others walk all over them. They are more or less used by others throughout their lives and it’s quite sad.

  1. They don’t feel like they deserve to be happy/content.

If you grew up in such an environment, you probably don’t quite feel like you deserve happiness as a whole. You feel like you are not able to do enough and you are not worth it. Even in moments of happiness, you close yourself off and shut things down without even knowing it.

  1. They feel like even those who care for them are pretending.

These daughters can’t control their emotions well. In many cases, they can’t really realize who is using them and who really cares for them. They think everyone around them is pretending even if they’re not because they don’t feel worthy of the compassion people show towards them.

  1. They don’t see themselves as they are.

Daughters of unloving mothers struggle with their self-image. They don’t see the real picture of their personality, they see themselves through the eyes of the mothers who didn’t love them. They feel like they will fail each time and in some cases, this makes them not even try.

  1. They struggle with dating because of the cycle they find themselves stuck in. 

As an unloved daughter, you might be attracted by the wrong types of people. When it comes to dating you are always ending up with the ones who hurt you the most over and over again. This is a toxic cycle that you find very hard to get out of, and you end up questioning yourself if you should be trying at all.

  1. They avoid painful situations and are always defensive.

As a result of everything they’ve been through, these daughters are quite defensive. They can’t manage painful situations well and avoid them as much as they can. This is not the best solution for you, but it is what you’ve always done and in many ways the only way you know how to cope.

  1. They struggle with trusting others, big time.

Because these women had no one to trust, to begin with, they have difficulties in trusting others as a whole. You have to really try hard to prove yourself to them before you reach the point where they will start to open up to you. Getting close to these kinds of people is a very complicated thing.

  1. They are very sensitive, to a fault.

If anything is certain about this kind of women, it is the fact that they are sensitive. They see this as a bad thing overall, but sometimes it is not wrong. Yet, the manner of reacting to it is wrong. They should just accept it and not try to hide their feelings from other people, and even themselves.

Source: https://www.powerofpositivity.com

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