A Cup Of This Every Morning Will Stop Fat Accumulation In Your Blood And Prevent Weight Gain

In this modern era it is common knowledge that more and more people are facing some diseases and that poor health represents a big problem. According to the United States Military obesity is issue of national security. That is way US spends $147 billion in order to prevent obesity- the leading cause of death.

Probably these efforts are worth and people exercise more and eat healthier food, but there are still some other things that could be done for reduction of weight and improvement of health.

The recipe of the drink that we are going to present to you will help you lose weight and reduce your cholesterol levels.

These are the ingredients that you will need:

  • 5-6 sprigs of parsley
  • 3 liters of water
  • 5 organic lemons
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda

Instructions how to prepare it:

  1. Start by chopping the lemons and the parsley on small pieces.
  2. Put them in water and boil them for about two hours.
  3. After that turn off the heat and leave it stand like that for an hour.
  4. Remove all the ingredients and chop thoroughly.
  5. Go on cooking it for 3 hours more.

In the end you should have about one and a half liters of syrup. Drink one small shot glass of this syrup every morning for 15 days.

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