Accelerate Your Metabolism And Change Your Life Even Though You’re Over 40

The metabolism is comprised of all physical and chemical processes occurring in the body. Our body uses food as an energy fuel to be able to function normally, which is converted into energy by the numerous chemicals in the digestive tract.

The pace of the metabolism is controlled by the nervous system and our hormones, and it slows down as we age.

Caroline Apovian, MD, director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at Boston Medical Center and the author of The Overnight Diet: The Proven Plan for Fast and Permanent Weight Loss, explains:

“The main culprit that slows metabolism and often leads to yo-yo dieting is what I call shrinking muscle syndrome.”

Additionally, Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., a Prevention advisory board member and the director of fitness research at Quincy College in Massachusetts, says:

“The average sedentary woman may have lost nearly 15 pounds of muscle by the time she reaches her late 50s, a change that could cause her to gain nearly the same amount in body fat.”

After 40, it is also much more difficult to drop the excess pounds and speed up the metabolism.

Yet, here are several ways that will help you accelerate it and become refreshed and full of energy:

A healthy diet

You need to follow a healthy diet, rich in minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. Increase the intake of dairy, fruits and vegetables, and meat, and limit the consumption of processed foods, carbohydrates, alcohol and salt.

Plenty of water

To accelerate metabolism and detoxify the body, keep it hydrated and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

Protein and fiber

To speed up the metabolism and help digestion, consume foods rich in fiber and protein every morning.


Sleep reduces stress, burns fat, improves mood, and soothes the muscles. Opt for at least 10 hours of restful sleep every night.


Try walking, swimming riding a bike, or running, to improve heart health and function, drop a few pounds, and relieve the postmenopausal syndrome manifestations.

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