Against The Occurrence Of Malignant Cells: How To Make Alkaline Water?

The pH level is the main factor for measuring the acidity and alkalinity in the body. The neutral pH levels= is 7.0 and pure water has this pH level. Every pH below 7.0 is considered acidic and every pH value above 7.0 is alkaline.

When it comes to the pH value of the human body, we cannot talk about the pH of the entire body in general, because each organ has different pH value. For instance, skin has a pH value of 5.5 and it is slightly acidic.

On the contrary, the saliva has a pH value around 6.5-7.4 and it ranges on either side of neutral. Speaking of the digestive tract, it has a pH of 1.5-7.0, mainly depending on the stage of digestion. In a perfect healthy condition, our body has a pH value which varies from 7.35-7.45 and it is mild alkaline.

The balance of the body is maintained mainly be the lungs and the kidney. Chronic imbalance drains the strength of our body.

Why Alkaline Water?

As our bodies are based on water, the pH value significantly affects our health and the risk of potential diseases.

The Importance of Alkaline Water in the Modern Era

Most of our bodies are too acidic, as a result to our typical “modern” diet, mainly based on alcohol, salt, processed foods, caffeine, and sugar.

Consider the following signs of too much acidity in the body:

  • Weakened immune system
  • Headache
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue

In case the environment in our bodies becomes either too acidic or too alkaline, the healthy cells easily become toxic. This is really dangerous state because this pH imbalance erodes tissues.

If the acidic environment remains in existence, the body deposits excess acidic substances in certain parts of the body, in order to become alkaline. As mentioned, the acidity increases in some areas and certain cells die off. Some of them persist to live, adjust or turn into cancerous cells. Cancer cells cannot survive in alkaline environment.

Dead cells create a cycle and the body itself becomes acidic. Malignant cells grow continually and without order. Eventually, these malignant cells can spread to other parts of the body, also known as metastasis.

 Drinking Alkaline Water is Very Useful

The surveillance systems in the body are responsible for regulating the pH value in our body and they are very potent acid residues. However, they don’t cause any damage to the living cells. In case the burned becomes too big, the final result may be detrimental to your overall health.

Another important reason for drinking alkaline water is the hydration of the body.  Alkaline water is much easily absorbed by the body, meaning that your stay hydrated longer. This leads to improved welfare.

How to Make Alkaline Water?

The water is alkaline when its pH value is adjusted around 8.0 -9.0 as a base. Keep reading and learn how to achieve an alkaline effect on your body.

Ingredients Needed:

  • 1 jug of clean filtrated water (2l)
  • 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt
  • 1 organic lemon ( washed and cut into eights)

Instructions for Preparation:

Cut the lemon into eights and put the pieces in the jug of water. Don’t squeeze the juice. Then, add the Himalayan salt in the water and cover. Let it stay overnight, for 8-12 hours at a room temperature.


You are supposed to drink 3 glasses of the water each morning, on an empty stomach. This water will give you an alkaline effect in your body.

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