Water is a true source of life and an essential element of every function in the body. Without proper hydration it is impossible to imagine healthy blood flow, kidneys, muscles, and elimination of harmful things from the body. Drinking water is generally good for your health and it is the first thing that is given to someone who is not feeling well. Unfortunately, the modern era is flooded with all sorts of chemicals and drugs which made us forget that ordinary water is essential for a good, healthy and long life. Driven by this we came across an interesting recommendation that every Japanese person knows. It is a Japanese water therapy known from ancient times which became popular after World War II when a Japanese newspaper published a recommendation from traditional medicine in which it was advised to start the day with a large amount of clean water.

The Japanese traditional medicine says that drinking water immediately after waking up is the most important healthy habit. Scientists have officially confirmed the efficacy of this practice. This treatment gives excellent results in the treatment of meningitis, diabetes, gastritis, headaches, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, epilepsy, pain, heart problems, blood fat, kidney, urinary tract, agitation, hemorrhoids, eye diseases, menstrual problems, general weakness, loss of energy and detoxification.

Here is how to perform the therapy:
In the morning, immediately after waking up and before brushing your teeth, drink four cups of lukewarm water (about 640 ml). Don’t drink or eat anything in the next 45 minutes.

The treatment recommends consuming lukewarm water during all three meals and up to 15 minutes after meals, and then make a two hour break from food and water. The treatment gives excellent results for most ailments and cleanses the body after 30 days. It is recommended to adopt this method as a permanent rule of life. There aren’t any bad consequences and risks, except maybe more frequent urination. People who find it difficult to start the day with more than half a liter of water, especially the elderly and the sick, should gradually reach the desired amount of 4 glasses of water. There are many testimonies of people who have significantly improved their health, energy and physical appearance after beginning this simple therapy.

People from Japan, unlike the Westerners, almost never use ice water and are very prone to consuming hot tea with food. The Japanese are one of the healthiest nations on Earth and in 2008 they registered over 33,000 people older than 100 years.

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