Arthritis And Joint Pain Reversing Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe Passed Down For Generations!

Joint pain is a common thing for many people and at times it can be really bothersome. Generally there are two types of joint pain –acute and chronic. Acute joint pain appears after a long day of work or some other physical activity and this usually disappears on its own after a day of rest.

However chronic joint pain is the one that causes problems to people because it lasts longer and doesn`t disappear on its own. Often the cause for this pain is arthritis which is an inflammation in the joints. Arthritis can affect any part of the body begging from the neck to the feet.

If you are facing this problem you have probably tried out different medications and you know that they can`t help you much. In order to sooth your pain in the joints you will have to make some alternations in your lifestyle and in your diet in particularly.

Apple cider vinegar is natural alternative for treatment of arthritis and according to some people who have tried it out it really helps.

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar to sooth the joint pain

The best way to use ACV for this purpose is to make a soak with it and you can do that in the following way:

Make a mixture of apple cider vinegar and 6 cups of warm water. If you are suffering from pain in your hands or legs soak them directly in this solution, but if you are suffering from pain in the neck or some other part of the body soak some cloth in it and place it over the painful area.

There is also another way to use ACV for treatment of joint pain and it is to make a mixture of ACV and olive or coconut oil.

For this mix 2 tbs. of apple cider vinegar with 1 tbs. of olive oil and apply the mixture that you will get over the painful area. Rub well the mixture on the skin, leave it like that for some time and you will notice how it will decrease the pain.  Repeat this several times in a week and you will get significant improvement.

Besides the topical use of ACV it could also be drunk. Dissolve 1-3 tablespoon of ACV in 8 ounces of water or fruit juice. Drink this solution 3 times per day before each meal.

Note! We recommend you to use cherry juice because it has many health benefits and is good for your health.

Besides for reliving joint pains apple cider vinegar has many other uses and it has bunch of health benefits. That is why it is used for preparation of many natural remedies. One of the main purposes why people use it is to cleanse the body from toxins and to improve their health. We hope that after reading this article your will consider including apple cider vinegar in your diet.

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