Asparagus Is A Highly Alkaline Food For Scrubbing Out The Kidneys, Bladder And Protecting Liver Health

There are few hundreds of asparagus varieties, but only a small number of them is edible. This veggie belongs to the same lily family as leeks, garlic, and onions, and is available throughout the whole year, even though it is best in spring.

The variety that we consume is greenish or green, and there is also a white type, that grows underground. It is expensive as it is produced in small volumes and is harvested by hand.

It is highly alkaline, rich in protein, and low in calories and carbohydrates. It also contains the calcium and magnesium in the ideal ratio of 2:1.

According to Dr.Mercola:

“Asparagus is one of the most nutritionally balanced plant-derived foods. Low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium, asparagus also has vitamin A (also known as retinol, because it produces pigments in the retina), E (has strong antioxidant properties, meaning it reduces oxidative damage caused by oxygen, which can harm human tissue, cells, and organs), and K (which helps your blood clot), magnesium, zinc and selenium, as well as fiber, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, iron, copper, and manganese.

As the above list shows, asparagus leads the pack in the wide range of nutrients it supplies, as well as amounts. An example: a 5.3 ounce serving of asparagus provides a whopping 60% of the recommended daily allowance of folate – and the USRDA calls 40% excellent.

Besides keeping your heart healthy, folate is necessary for blood cell reproduction, especially in bone marrow, normal growth, and liver disease prevention. Studies have shown folate, also known as vitamin B9, to be a significant factor in the prevention of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.”

An amino acid it contains, asparagine, detoxifies the body and boosts the function of the kidneys.

The high phytonutrients content cleanses the organs from toxins and supports the renal system, by increasing the urine production, improving the functions of the kidneys and bladder, eliminating bacteria and toxins, breaking up uric acid, and ensuring smooth urination flow.

We give you several great reasons to start consuming asparagus more often:

Diabetes/Hypoglycemia:  Asparagus is abundant in minerals that control blood sugar.

Acidity, Blood:  The high alkalinity of this wonder juice is effective in reducing the acidity of the blood and helps cleanses the tissues and muscles of waste.

Liver: Asparagus contains chlorophyll and the other phytonutrients that support the healthy function of the liver.

PMS symptoms:  The diuretic effect of asparagus juice relieve bloating and premenstrual swelling and bloating, while the high magnesium content treats depression, irritability, fatigue, etc.

Arthritis and Rheumatism:   A unique phytochemical that this veggie contains fights inflammation and treats arthritis and rheumatism.

Heart disease: To strengthen a weak or enlarged heart, mix asparagus juice with raw honey and drink the mixture three times daily.

Kidneys:  The diuretic and alkaline properties of this vegetable prevent or dissolve kidney stones.

Cataracts:  The antioxidants and glutathione in asparagus prevent eye issues and the progression of cataracts.

Diuretic:  Especially if consumed in the form of juice, asparagus offers powerful diuretic properties.

Bowel movement: Its regular consumption has laxative effects and ensures regular bowel movements.

Pregnant women:  Asparagus is rich in folate, calcium and other minerals that lower the risk of birth defects and low birth weight.

When buying asparagus, choose firm, straight stalks with tight tips. It is best to eat it fresh, but you can also wrap it in a plastic bag and keep it in the fridge for up to three days. When cooking it, lightly steam it, instead of boiling, in order to preserve the minerals and sodium content.

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