The kidneys are located under the ribs, and their function is to cleanse 150 quarts of blood on a daily basis. Moreover, they eliminate toxins,
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The breakfast is the most important daily meal, and there are foods which are useful to be consumed in the morning, and some which you

Age spots, or the brown spots on the skin are not scary, but they can significantly lower the self-confidence. In most cases, they appear on

Every time you hit the local store for a bottle of water, the last thing you notice is the bottle. Yes, you have to admit

You don’t often win the fight with excess pounds, not to mention the starving some of you have to go through. Losing weight can turn

Colds are never a thing to take lightly, so a proper healthcare is always recommended. The same is true of the flu and fevers. When

Abdominal pain can occur in many forms, each different than the other. Also, not every abdominal pain is life-threatening, but it does indicate that something

The bay leaf, also known under its scientific name, Laurus nobilis, is a leaf from the bay laurel tree. It is mostly found in the

The family Lamiaceae is proud to have the Mint or Mentha plant in its rows. Even more so, there are about 13 to 18 varieties

The pain in the knee can be a result of various factors, such as injuries, arthritis, or other health issues. The pain might vary from