When you first fall in love, everything is bliss. But relationships aren’t just perpetual rainbows, butterflies, and happy feelings. If you and your partner aren’t
Author: Moderator
1. START OVER In life, we must constantly adapt to the changing elements. If not, we get tossed around in the waves instead of swimming
Finding the right person is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack! Then again, it’s a small world and sometimes it just feels
Cardiovascular disease takes lives of thousands Americans each year. Lack of physical activity, poor dietary choices and unhealthy habits like smoking and binge drinking work
Sex is what they do best. We are here to procreate; it’s part of our biological drive. As human beings, we are embedded with the program
Each new diet is already commonly exploited in the media space as a new fashion line, you must have noticed it when you’ve entered the
You’re not active in bed Do you know why they say – either use it or lose it? Well, because ‘the more sex you have,
Have you ever heard of the “dowager’s hump?” Officially, it’s called kyphosis. It’s a condition that causes a forward rounding of the back. People who suffer
Have you tried all the recommended weight loss tips only to lose nothing? If you’re frustrated and desperate to shed extra pounds and feel light,
Parsley is commonly used to improve the taste of our dishes, but this health-boosting herb provides more than that. For one thing, it’s a powerful