Baking Soda And Honey: Remedy That Destroys Even The Most Severe Disease

Maybe the idea of mixing baking soda with honey or maple syrup looks bizarre because cancer cells are feeding with sugar. But, here in this case sugar is acting differently.

Cancer cells will not use sugar for their growth because the baking soda will totally neutralize them.

Maple syrup or honey goes opposing to cancer cells (which take 15 times more glucose, then healthy cells). Because of the syrup baking soda will be able to go inside and destroy the cancer cells.

Ingredients needed:

  • Baking soda
  • Maple syrup or honey

Method of preparation:

Mix three parts of maple syrup or honey with one part of baking soda. Make sure to get homogeneous resulting mixture from the ingredients. Cook the mixture on low temperature for 10 minutes. Once you are done cooking the remedy will be ready.

Way of consuming:

Take 3 teaspoons of this remedy during the day for 30 days in a row.

You will have to avoid any kind of sugar, white flour or meat during this therapy.

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