Broccoli And Watercress Can Kill Cancer Cells Within a Day

According to a recent study, broccoli and watercress have the capacity to lower the risks of several types of cancer, since they have the ability to increase the amounts of antioxidants in the blood. These two types of cruciferous vegetables have been well known for their anti-cancer benefits.

Health Benefits

Watercress is a leafy vegetable with a peppery taste that is often ignored as a leafy green superfood, but it is very rich in nutrients. It has a high content of vitamins and minerals–containing an amazing 312% of your daily recommended vitamin K, and also high amounts of vitamin C. Besides these fantastic health benefits, watercress has been proven to protect the body’s DNA from damage.

And broccoli has a high content of vitamin D, as well as fiber and three different kinds of glucosinolate phytonutrients that are crucial for the body’s detoxification system.

A Cancer Preventative

Both of these vegetables have an ability to lower the risk of cancer in the colon, breasts and prostates. This is caused primarily by the presence of glucosinolates, which are phytochemicals that produce isothiocyanates. These compounds are known to shut down the signal that tumors send to the brain, which encourages them to keep growing.

And according to even more recent studies, both of these vegetables contain enzymes that are released when chewed. The compound phenanthryl isothiocyanate (PEITC) is produced in watercress and broccoli, and is well known for its preventative properties against cancer. Large levels of this compound have been proven to be extremely effective in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

Better That Chemo?

Chemotherapy, besides exposing a person to large levels of radiation, targets the large tumors in the body. Even though the large tumor can be removed or reduced with this treatment, the cancer cells can still remain in the body. If the cancer stem cells in the body are still alive, there is generally nothing to stop them from returning, which is why many cases of cancer are likely to return.

In isolated lab tests, treating cancerous cells with PEITC, the compound found in broccoli and watercress, was found to kill the cells within 24 hours. The results may not be quite so quick or absolute when they’re in the body, but the meaning is clear: the compounds found in broccoli and watercress inhibit or eliminate cancer cells. Adding these foods to your diet can only be beneficial for your health.

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