Chemical Found In Colgate Toothpaste Linked To Cancer

The most famous toothpaste in the world is definitely Colgate Total, but unluckily researchers found that one chemical that it consists of can lead to cancer and some other diseases.

The harmful chemical is known as triclosan, and it is also part of antiperspirants, deodorants, cleansers and hand sanitizers as anti-bacterial agent.

Out of its anti-bacterial properties it is also used in facial tissues, antiseptics for wounds and laundry detergents.

Study published in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology revealed that the chemical stimulates growth of cancer cells. Many other studies proved this and warned that triclosan can cause various others health problems.

Another danger of triclosan is that it can pass through the skin and disrupt the hormone function. But that’s not all one more study which was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives in 2008 says that scientist came to conclusion that about 75% of the people that they included in their survey had triclosan in the urine (2,517 people age six or older).

These and many other studies are the reason why the Canadian Medical Association has asked for prohibition of use of products that contain Triclosan.

According to Colgate the chemical that they use is safe, and as their defense they cited the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) process that led to its approval in the first place. This is what Bloomberg stated:

“A closer look at that application process, however, reveals that some of the scientific findings Colgate put forward to establish triclosan’s safety in toothpaste weren’t black and white — and weren’t, until this year, available to the public.”

These documents were concealed from the public by the FDA. We can say that these corporations and the FDA are almost the same thing and they all play a big role in the government policy.

What made them release these documents is a lawsuit that was filed over a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The FDA report raised concerns that the chemical could cause cancer.

According to Bloomberg:

“The pages show how even with one of the U.S.’s most stringent regulatory processes — FDA approval of a new drug — the government relies on company-backed science to show products are safe and effective.

The recently released pages, taken alongside new research on triclosan, raise questions about whether the agency did appropriate due diligence in approving [Colgate] Total 17 years ago, and whether its approval should stand in light of new research, said three scientists who reviewed the pages at Bloomberg News’s request.”

But despite all of the researches and studies that were conducted Colgate pretends that everything is fine and there is no threat in the toothpaste, they said that they have no intention to reformulate the toothpaste.

After reading this will you still believe them and continue using their products? It is more than obvious that these corporations are not concerned with the health of their customers and all that they are interested in are money.

The same shareholders own both companies that distribute products like these and drug companies, which means that making people sick is of use for them.  But luckily with the help of social media more information are available to the public and people are starting to make better choices.

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