Dandelion Root Tea For Treating Cancer

Dandelion root is not only effective in treating cancer, it also possess great diuretic properties, cleanses the liver, stimulates the work of bile and is good against allergies. This root is great for lowering cholesterol levels, and is rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, folic acid and magnesium, and also contains vitamins A and K.

Dandelion is an unjustly overlooked plant, but it actually has many medicinal properties. It should always be collected from clean environments, not from meadows near cities and polluted areas. Older generations knew of its medicinal properties and used to collect dandelion and use it in nutrition and to prepare medicines and syrups made from its flowers. But, there’s been research that suggests that the root of the dandelion helps heal cancer.

According to scientists, the root of this herb works better than chemotherapy, which besides destroying cancerous cells also destroys healthy cells. Dandelion root, on the other hand, only attacks diseased cells.

In the Institute in Windsor in Canada, an examination done in the department of chemistry and biochemistry found that dandelion root only destroys the cells affected by cancer, and doesn’t have a harmful effect on healthy cells in the body.

Dandelion tea has an impact on cancerous cells within 48 hours and after they decompose it doesn’t have any harmful effect on the healthy cells. Scientists continue to study its medicinal properties because they believe that continued treatment with dandelion tea can destroy cancer.

Johan di Karlo, a 72 year old man, went through intense and aggressive treatments of chemotherapy for three years, but saw no positive effects. However, he was personally assured in dandelion’s healing properties. Doctors released him home to spend the last days with his loved ones, and since they already had no alternative in the treatment, they recommended drinking tea made from dandelion root. Johan experienced remission of the disease after four months.

Preparation of dandelion root tea:

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 liter of water
  • Handful of dandelion root

Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the fresh dandelion root. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes and then strain it. Drink three cups of this tea every day.

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