Detect Liver Disease in Early Stages by Knowing The Warning Signs

Discovering liver disease in the early stages is crucial for successful curing and prevention of development of new tissues. That`s why you should know the symptoms that indicate that you have some kind of liver disease.

In case you don’t know liver is the largest internal gland and plays many important roles in the body system function like: blood detoxification, digestive system enhancing through creating a bile that breaks down the fats, iron and vitamins storage in the body, glucose storage, glucose converting into sugar when sugar levels are depleted, hemoglobin, insulin and other hormones processing, converts ammonia into urea, old red blood cells eliminating.

Liver disease is also referred as hepatic disease and when it affects ¾ of the liver the function of the gland is increased.


There are many reasons that can lead to development of liver disease, toxins may be one of the reasons since they attack and damage the liver tissue, the flow of the blood in the liver can be damageda build-up of cholesterol may appear, the passage of the bile may be obstructed, and the cells may be inflamed like in hepatitis.

Cirrhosis and alcohol abuse

This is considered to be the most common cause of liver disease in North America from which according to the statistic have died 25, 000 people.

The most frequent symptoms that indicate liver disease are the following:

Brown blemishes on the skin, black circles beneath the eyes, flushed face appearance, coated tongue, bad breath, bad body odor, swollen eyeballs, inflamed palms and soles of the feet, discolored stools, fatigue, weight loss, nausea, jaundice – skin yellowing which can also occur in the whites of the eyes, increased tendency to perspire excessively, and pain – felt in the uppermost right hand quadrant of the abdomen.

All these symptoms refer to hepatic diseases in general but there are some symptoms that are characteristic only for certain types of liver disease.


Having an upper right quadrant abdomen pain, vomiting whenever you eat greasy meal and fever indicates that the liver disease is connected with gallstones.

Cirrhosis of the liver

There are also specific symptoms that indicate that you probably have cirrhosis and they are: easy bruising, itchiness, enlarged male breasts, erectile dysfunction, feeling of confusion and lethargy, muscle tissue decreasing, and swollen stomach veins.

Abnormal metabolism of fats

This is also a specific disease of liver that manifests itself with the following symptoms: difficulty in losing weight, sluggishly slow metabolism, weight gain which can lead to obesity, bloated stomach, elevated levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and decreased levels of HDL cholesterol, fatty tumors and lymphomas developing in the skin, hypertension of blood pressure, developing a roll of fat around the upper abdomen, and appearance of cellulite.

inability to tolerate fatty food, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, inability to tolerate alcohol, indigestion and/or reflux.

hypoglycemia, onset of type 2 diabetes in later life, and craving for sweet things.

Poor liver health can have negative effect over the immune system

This will result in many different types of symptoms like excessive itching, asthma, developing new allergies like hay fever, developing skin rashes; and hives; increased incidence of autoimmune disease; increased intolerance of viral and bacterial infections; and developing fibromyalgia.

Keeping your liver healthy is essential thing you should do if you want to live healthy life. So keep your eye on the above symptom and consult your doctor whenever you notice some of them.

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