Detox Your Liver And Fight Pain And Inflammation With Homemade Liver Packs. Here’s How

Castor oil packs, also known as liver packs, provide numerous health benefits, such as providing an immune system boosts, detoxification, and helping with swelling, pain, and inflammation.

They are especially good for liver detoxification. Living in a modern world and being surrounded with chemicals and toxins on regular basis, our liver is most likely to become overwhelmed.

Many people detox and fast too much, ending up with a painful and swollen liver. Castor oil packs are proven to help in these situations.

What is a Castor Oil Pack ?

Castor oil pack is consisted of pieces of flannel, saturated with warmed castor oil. These pieces are applied onto the affected area. Flannel is a soft woven fabric, of various fineness. It is a great choice because it provides a high absorption. However, if you are allergic to flannel, feel free to replace it with wool or other option, to your preference.

How to Use a Castor Oil Pack

Materials Needed:

  • Castor oil
  • Hot water bottle ) or heated rice pack, or heating pad)
  • Old bath towel
  • Flannel ) or fabric large enough to cover affected area)


You should fold the flannel into size adequate to cover the liver area. Then, soak the flannel with a warmed castor oil, and apply onto the liver area. Cover with a piece of plastic wrap.

You should apply hot water bottle, rice pack, or heating pad over the area and cover with a towel so that the heat stays in. Leave the pack work for 45-60 minutes.

When you are done with the procedure, put the flannel in a plastic container or in a zip lock. Feel free to re-use the flannel several times, but make sure you add oil and keep the pack saturated.

It is recommended to replace the flannel when it begins to have an odor or it changes its color. Finally, wash the skin with soap or with a solution made of baking soda and water (2T soda to a quart of water).


In case you are sensitive to chemicals, you probably won`t be able to do this for more than a few minutes, as a results to its detoxifying action. Individuals who are environmentally ill have to work up to a 45 minute application. It is recommended to consult your doctor, before you decide to try any new treatment.

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