Waking up in the morning is one of the most difficult things for some people, because they are simply not morning people. What most of us do immediately after waking up is reaching for coffee or some other caffeine beverage. We are used to it and we need it in order for it to boost our energy and to give us strength to start the day and do our duties. But do you know that among coffee there are many other tasty alternative beverages that can give you even more energy in the morning?

These healthy smoothies will give you energy that will keep you active in the rest of the day. What is more they are morning beverages and breakfast at the same time. Depending of which one you will choose to prepare you will get different nutritional value and health benefits.

The following are some Energy boosting smoothie recipes that we strongly recommend you since they are easy to prepare:

1. Minty Pear­-Honeydew Smoothie

This one is excellent for drinking during the hot summer days. It will help you beat the heat and will make you feel fresh while you enjoy the taste. One of the ingredients is mint which can help detoxify the skin, prevent hyper acidity, relieve headache, rich with energy boosting antioxidant and lessen menstrual cramps.

Other ingredients of this smoothie are fresh honeydew and Bartlett pears blended with white grape juice, mint leaves and a handful of ice cubes for texture. Pears are rich with vitamin C, copper, potassium and fiber that will boost your energy while honeydew will regulate you blood pressure levels and increase the production of collagen and in that way make your skin appear glowing and smooth. It is up to you whether you will add ice to it but it makes the texture smooth.

Ingredients needed:

  • ½ Cup Honeydew
  • 50 Apple Juice
  • 50 c Mint Leaves
  • 2 Ripe Pears
  • 1 cup Ice cubes

Method of preparation:

Put the apple juice, mint leaves, pear, honeydew and the ice cubes (this is optionally) in a blender and mix until it gets smooth. If you want you can leave out a few chunks of pears for texture. We advise you to prepare this smoothie the previous night and keep it in a sealed container until you drink it the following morning.

  1. Strawberry Fields Smoothie

This smoothie is recommended for those who get up early in the morning and have to pass the entire day outdoors. It is full with potassium, antioxidants and fiber. Begging the day with a glass of this smoothie will keep you energized till the late evenings. But not only in the morning, you can also consume it in the evenings as a substitution for your mid afternoon snack. Prepare it in the morning at home and store it in a thermos if you want to take it with you.  The main ingredient of the smoothie is strawberry which is one of the most nutritionally packed fruits. It is rich with magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, copper, biotin, phosphorus, potassium and fiber.

Ingredients needed:

  • 1 tsp. Honey
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 sliced frozen banana, sliced
  • 1 cup strawberries

Method of preparation:

Put all the ingredients in blender and mix them until you get the desired texture. You can also alter the amount of honey and add more if you prefer it sweeter.

  1. Banana­-Peanut Butter Smoothie

If you are looking for a morning snack or post workout smoothie this one is perfect for you. Bananas contain manganese, vitamin C, potassium and energy boosting fiber, protein, folate and vitamin B6.  The other ingredient of the smoothie peanut also contains protein and potassium and it regulates the high blood pressure, prevents some heart diseases and strokes. The fiber and the magnesium that the peanut contains also improve the digestion and strengthen the muscles.

Ingredients needed:

  • 1 tsp. Creamy peanut butter
  • 3 ice cubes
  • 1 small banana
  • 1 cup milk or Nonfat milk

Method of preparation:

Put the peanut butter, milk and ice cubes in the blender. Chop the banana into small pieces and add it to the blender too. Mix them until you get the desired texture. It is recommended to drink this smoothie cold.  If you want your smoothie to be creamier and smoother freeze the banana for a week before you prepare it. Make sure that you seal your banana in airtight plastic bag.

  1. Garden Refresher Smoothie

This tasty smoothie is equal to energy boosting elixir. It will make you feel good after a workout or a long day in office.  If you like to add more flavour to the recipe you can add a pinch of salt, milk, or hot sauce.

Ingredients needed:

  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 handful of watercress
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cucumber

Method of preparation:

First of all peel the cucumber and cut it into small chunks. Then remove the hardest part of the watercress’s stem and cut the tomato into chunks before blending them. Also remove the core and seeds of the red bell pepper and slice them into chunks. Trim the carrots. Once you have all this done juice all the ingredients and place the juice in the blender. Add some ice cubes or cold soya milk in it. Blend all the ingredients together to create the garden refresher smoothie.

There is no better alternative for caffeine than natural smoothies. They give you energy, improve your health and keep you hydrated during the whole day.

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