Heinz Ketchup Banned (And Why You Should Avoid It)

Recently in Israel the Heinz Ketchup has been forbidden. The explanation was – it didn’t contain enough tomatoes. But that’s not the only reason, there are a few more.

As much as you think it’s tasty, we recommend that you stop using Heinz ketchup. The public interest in avoiding processed food is increasing more and more over the past few years. According to research, these foods are unhealthy and contain toxins and different chemicals. That is why people turn towards organic food.

Even though many people try avoiding processed and packaged food, many condiments are still widely used, one of them being the ketchup. But, before you take a bottle of it, see what science says about it. Here are three reasons you should quit using it.

1. It contains high fructose corn syrup

The major reason why you should avoid Heinz ketchup is that it contains corn syrup which is high in fructose. As a matter of fact, it is loaded with it.

This syrup is made from corn which is genetically modified to a great extent. This is what makes it dangerous and toxic. This syrup can incite quick spike in your blood sugar levels and cause liver damage once it’s metabolized.

Frequent consumption of high fructose corn syrup increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. It is also harmful for your immunity system.

A recent study of high fructose corn syrup has revealed that it is loaded with mercury. Mercury is known to be very toxic heavy metal. You can notice that even doctors suggest avoiding food that contains high fructose corn syrup.

2. It contains distilled vinegar and sugar

The second reason why you should stop consuming Heinz ketchup is that it involves distilled vinegar and sugar in its content. Each serving of this ketchup, a serving being one tablespoon, contains 4 grams of sugar. Just a small tablespoon of ketchup in your meal, and your meal becomes unhealthy because of the amount of sugar.

Same as high fructose corn syrup, distilled vinegar is also made from genetically modified corn. Toxic pesticides and chemicals are used during the growth of this GMO corn, which makes it unhealthy and dangerous. There is no single benefit of consumption of these distilled vinegar and sugar, both of which are genetically modified.

It has been shown that consuming great quantities of sugar without any quantities of fiber or some other nutrients drastically lowers the levels of blood sugar and can cause damage to your liver and the pancreas as well.

3. Heinz ketchup has no nutritional value

The last but not the least reason to avoid Heinz ketchup is that it has no nutritional value. It doesn’t contain neither fiber, nor proteins or any other nutrients. The tiny amount of tomato paste it contains has almost microscopic quantity of lycopene.

Heinz ketchup is basically made of nothing but sugar, GMOs and chemicals and has no redeeming significance. Not only ketchup, but other condiments also are made of similar ingredients and they should be excluded from your diet.

Instead, use only natural, GMO free and organic products if you want to nurture your body and improve your health.

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