Here Are My Comics Inspired By My Dog That Most Dog Owners May Relate To (13 New Pics)

Dog owners live a much more fulfilled life than the rest of us, I assure you. A day spent in the company of a joyful canine is a true adventure.

Our furry best friends are the most loyal, loving, and funny companions out there, and the only thing we miss is the chance to have a decent, human-like communication with them.

A talented artist decided to imagine having a conversation with his puppy, and the result is hilarious!

Hey Buddy Comics is a result of the collaboration of a talented artist, Khristian K Romey, better known as ‘K’, and a skillful writer, James Buddy.

James Buddy explains:

“I have been writing short dialogues about my dog since he was a puppy. The intense affection I felt for a creature I could not communicate with inspired me to imagine the conversations we would have if I could.

Recently, I realized that the vast collection of stuff I had written might entertain other people. The problem was they were kind of boring to look at in text form. They needed to be brought to life to have the same energy and vigor as my actual dog.”

As soon as their comics were published on social media, readers were overjoyed to see more of them!

Scroll down to see this amazing series of comics:


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