Homemade Sourdough Bread: Better for Blood Sugar and Won’t Hurt Your Gut Like Gluten

Nutrition experts often warn us to avoid the daily consumption of bread, and there are several reasons for it:

— Bread has low nutritional value

— Most breads contain Amylopectin-A, one of the main components of starch, and has been found to support the development of insulin resistance and diabetes type 2.

— Bread contains gluten, so it should be eaten in moderation only

— It stimulates the formation of mucus and leads to respiratory system issues

— The consumption of breads causes euphoria and leads to food cravings

— The starches and gluten in bread are difficult for the stomach to digest, which causes digestive issues

— Breads contain phytates that reduce the absorption of many vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, numerous nutritionists recommend sourdough bread as a healthy option to bread.

Here are several reasons for you to try it:

1. It is overloaded with nutrients

Sourdough bread is a rich source of vitamins E, B1-B6, B12, protein, fatty acids, niacin, thiamin, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, selenium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, and is free of the toxic preservatives found in commercial breads, as it already contains acetic acid, that prevents the growth of molds.

2. It contains wild yeast and good bacteria (Lactobacillus)

Sourdough bread contains good bacteria and wild yeast, which predigest the starches and help the digestive process. Moreover, lactobacilli stimulate the production of lactic acid, that inhibits the negative effects of phytates, and thus improves the absorption of nutrients in the body.  The lactic acid prevents spikes of blood glucose, while the fermentation process boosts the healthy function of the gut.

3. It is safe for gluten-intolerant people

It is tolerable to gluten-sensitive people as the fermentation process allows good bacteria to break down the gluten proteins into small amounts. 

If you are willing to prepare your homemade sourdough bread at home, you need three ingredients only: salt, flour, and water. Follow the guidelines by Healthline:

“Make a sourdough starter.  Feed your starter daily and let it grow for a few days. You will use part of this starter to make the bread and save the rest for future use.

Mix part of your starter with flour and water and allow this mixture to rest for a few hours. Then add salt. Fold the dough a few times before letting it rest again for approximately 10–30 minutes. Repeat the folding and resting steps a few times until the dough becomes smooth and stretchy.

On the final rest, let the dough rise at room temperature until it grows to about 1.5 times its original volume. Shape your bread loaf and bake it in a Dutch oven. Allow bread to cool on a rack for 2–3 hours before slicing it.”

Enjoy it, but remember, even though it is healthy, sourdough bread is still bread, so consume it in moderation!

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