How to Lighten And Soften Your Hands With Citrus

Are your hands dark and aged-looking? You can change their appearance by using citrus that will help you lighten your hands, while making them soft at the same time.

Just follow these simple steps below and you will be on your way to have soft and lighter looking hands.

  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • honey and
  • baking soda

Lemon: They contain citric acid that lightens dark spots and removes discoloration of the skin.

Honey: It contains antioxidants that slow down aging.

Baking soda: It exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cell to reveal new ones.


1. Mix all of the ingredients to receive homogenous mass.

2. Apply the mixture on your hands, by massaging and rubbing it in your hands for at least a minute. Then leave the mixture on your hands for 5-10 minutes.

3. In the end, wash your hands with warm water. Remember not to use soap directly afterwards.

Note: Repeat this process at least twice a week to lighten and soften your hands.

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