How to Make Ginger Water to Treat Migraines, Heart Burn, Joint and Muscle Pain

The never ending health benefits have been known to the ancient Chinese since forever, and the world is just getting to discover the marvelous properties of this product.

Full of potassium and manganese, responsible for proper heart work, ginger is the ingredient to pay attention to, if you desire to remain healthy.

Alongside the heart, ginger is excellent for strengthening the immune system and due to its silicon content can protect the skin, hair, teeth and nails.

It is packed with vitamins A, C, E, as well as the B complex, and some other significant minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, calcium, and beta-carotene.

Ginger has been proven to successfully treat inflamed joints by a study published in Phytotherapy Research.

Gingerols are highly contained in ginger, providing anti-inflammatory properties especially when it comes to the ankles, muscles and nerves. Plus, ginger has been very effective in preventive and treating migraines and chronic headaches.

To get the maximum out of the ginger, you can learn here how to prepare simple ginger water that will cure your headaches, heart burns joint and muscle pains in an instant.

  • 1-2 inches fresh ginger root
  • 3 cups water
  • 1/2 lemon
  • Raw honey

Grate ginger finely. You can use a zester do get best results. Pour 2-3 cups of water and squeezed lemon juice into the ginger. Finally, add honey. The remedy is ready and you can consume it on a daily basis.

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