Hypnotize Yourself For Quick Sleep

Hypnotizing yourself into a deep relaxed state can help you enjoy your sleep. Once you learn and memorize the steps, this method can be practiced nightly, weekly, or whenever you feel the urge to do so.

Hypnotize Yourself For Quick Sleep
  1. First Step

Lie down on your back in a dark room.

  1. Second Step

You should close your eyes and focus on the shapes of lights you see when your eyes are basically closed.

  1. Third Step

You are supposed to feel calmer after about a minute of focusing on those shapes. Then, raise your left arm at 45 degrees and stay in this position for about 5 seconds. At the end of the count to 5, forget that your arm is connected to the rest of your body and let the gravity take control. You arm will simply drop on the bed.

  1. Fourth Step

Do the same with your right arm. Then, move to the left leg, raise it at 45 degrees, hold for 5 seconds, and finally release. Do the same with the right leg, too.

  1. Fifth Step

Taking into consideration the fact that the neck is a common part of the body that “bears the brunt” of your tough day, you should focus on relaxation in order to remove the stress from your neck. Raise the neck, hold it for 5 seconds and then release and let the gravity take control.

  1. Sixth Step

By this point, your entire body should feel completely at ease, almost weightless.

This type of hypnosis is very different than the one we see on live shows on TV. Those hypnosis are basically getting you into much deeper hypnosis of both mind and body, while this one is focusing on your body only.

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