Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year. Here is What You SHOULD Use Instead

Not long ago, the sentence below opened an articled issued in Reuters:

“Long-term high-dose use of painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac is ‘equally hazardous’ in terms of heart attack risk as use of the drug Vioxx, which was withdrawn due to its potential dangers, researchers said.”

Well, why do people use NSAIDs like ibuprofen?

The modern, industrialized world easily makes us susceptible to different health conditions, due to the pain and inflammation which the modern world brings. However, you can adjust the underlying pro-inflammatory conditions by reducing the chemical exposure, reducing the stress, and making certain changes in your diet.

Treating pain as well as handling unhealthy levels of inflammation can take some time, energy, and discipline. Moreover, there are moments when stopping the pain is the only thing you need! Consequently, in an attempt to stop the pain, people turn to medications which offer instant relief.

You are probably wondering why it is so bad. The thing is, using pain-killers on regular basis means that eventually, the pain is not the only thing you are going to kill.

Ibuprofen is the perfect example for this point. As mentioned above, scientists found a link between the petrochemical-derivative and the higher risk of heart attack and cardiac, both of which cause mortality when combined with aspirin. In addition, it is accompanied with two dozens of severe health-threatening effects, such as the following:

  • Hypertension
  • Influenza mortality
  • Miscarriage
  • Anemia
  • Hearing loss
  • DNA damage

Sadly, ibuprofen is not the only drug that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and death rate. As a matter of fact, the entire category of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) is believed to have negative properties. Cardiovascular disease and cardiac mortality are on the top of the list of 100 adverse health effects linked to their regular use.

You may also want to check the analysis based on the dark side of aspirin: The Evidence Against Aspirin And For Natural Alternatives.

You are probably wondering what you are left with then. Unfortunately, pain is extremely common nowadays and it can affect you, your friend, or your family member. Consequently, finding a cure is crucial!

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