If Music Gives You Goosebumps Your Brain Might Be Special, According To Science

Music goosebumps or goosebumps triggered by music is a result of different emotions in people, and experts from the University of Southern California have emphasized the connection between music and feelings.

What’s your favorite song? The music you listen to reveals the most interesting details of your personality. Listening to a particular song makes you feel something and the sensation goes deeper in your soil. Do you get goosebumps every time you listen to particular sounds?

Some experience changes in their temperature and heart rate. The blood sometimes goes down to the legs and the cerebellum becomes more active. Music may increase dopamine levels, giving you a tingly chill in the back.

Only 55% of all people are getting music goosebumps

According to studies, 55% of all people get chills and goosebumps when listening to music. If your music makes you feel this way, you are in touch with your emotions. This makes you a very special person.

A group of scientists at the University of Southern California studied the brain scans of 20 students. There were two groups of participants. Students in Group 1 had intense reactions to music. The rest of the participants didn’t show any signs of excitement. Experts examined the phenomenon to determine the impact on music on the human body.

Students listened to the music they chose for themselves. Experts analyzed the scans and confirmed that students who got chills when listening to music had a different neurological structure.

Students who had chills or goosebumps had a greater volume of neurological fiber that connect their auditory cortex to the area of the brain that’s responsible for emotional processing.

Matthew Sachs, a co-author of the study, explains that the bigger volume of neurological fiber and higher efficiency between two areas indicates that people have better processing between them.

The improved neurological communication helped students experience music at a more intense level.

Dr. Sachs is a neuroscientist whose research relies on explaining the neural and behavioral mechanisms involved in emotions and feelings in response to sounds. The doctor received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California’s Brain and Creativity Institute and his B.A. from Harvard University. Sachs’ projects include applying data-driven, multivariate models to understand the patterns of neural activity that follow our experiences with music.

Experts need to conduct more studies of this type. They emphasize the difference in human neurological structures.

Final words

If listening to music brings chills down your spine, you may be a special person. Researchers will conduct other studies of this kind to determine the real power of music and its connection to the human brain.

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