If You Blow on Your Thumb, Here’s The Effect it Will Have on Your Body

Bodies are real mystery, and even science cannot answer all the questions related to their vital functions. For instance, sore joints can trigger the healing of other ailment, and the other way around.

The good thing is that you can use a few simple tricks to soothe your sore throat, clear stuffy nose and treat any other ailment.

By stimulating certain spots, focusing on other things, and applying some handy tricks you can treat the most irritating ailments, stress, and aches.

Soothe a scratchy throat

A cup of hot tea is always food, and gargling saline solution can relieve the pain temporarily. But, what can you do to get rid of the tickle in your throat?

It is like a terrible itch that will not go away. In an interview for Men’s Health, Scott Schaffer, M.D. President of an ear, nose and throat specialty center, revealed the secret of the most efficient throat relief.

According to Dr. Schaffer, scratching your ear is the best thing ever!

“When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it creates a reflex in the throat that can cause a muscle spasm. This spasm relieves the tickle,” explains the doctor. Share this trick with your friends and family, and you will combat flu and colds easily.

“Chill” the nerves

After applying this simple trick, stress will no longer be your worst enemy. All you have to do is splash ice-cold water in your face and hold your breath while doing so.

The icy power will lure your brain into triggering the “mammalian diving reflex.” It helps the body use oxygen better, and you are calm again! WebMD says that the connection between cold water and stress relief has been discovered long ago.

You can also drink a glass of cold water. It will provide a similar effect. So, there is no need to ruin your mascara, cheer up.

Deal with needles without any fear

Find a way to get your mind somewhere else! That needle cannot do anything to you. So, next time the nurse is getting ready to insert that needle in your muscle, just cough slightly.

You won’t think of the pain at all! But, make sure you share your secret with the nurse, because your cough may cause undesired complications.

Clear stuffy nose

Having stuffy sinuses is the worst thing ever. Press our tongue against the roof of your mouth, and press your index fingers against your eyebrows.

This pressure on your vomer will trigger a back and forth motion. Eventually, this will loosen your mucus. Take a deep breath every 20 seconds. Say “goodbye” to your phlegm!

Prevent burn scars

Do not reach for your ice packs after you burn yourself. Press the pads of your fingers against the burnt skin area.

This will delay the restoring of the normal body temperature in that part, and you will not have to deal with nasty blisters later. Your skin will heal naturally, and you will not have any burn scars.

Relieve toothaches instantly

This trick does wonders to sensitive teeth. Once you feel that the pain is on its way, put an ice pack on the back of your hand. Rub it back and forth against the area between your index finger and thumb.

This part of the hand is filled with nerve pathways that carry pain signals from the face and hands to the brain. The cold temperature will block these signals!

Get rid of nervousness

If you are looking for a way to calm those butterflies in your stomach, we suggest that you try our trick. Blow on your thumb to calm your nerves instantly. Yes, you read that one right. This will regulate your breathing and control the vagus nerve, and thus slow your heart rate. Bye, bye butterflies.

Relieve migraine in a few seconds

You do not have to pay a small fortune on “strong” painkillers. This ancient technique will free you of the pounding nightmare! LiveStrong reveals the secret.

Stimulate the same spot between your thumb and index finger using the thumb and forefinger of your other hand. Apply a mild pressure, and hold it for 2 minutes on each side.

Circular motions work better. This ancient technique will improve the flow of blood to your head and neck, and release any “blocked energy” or Ki.

Here are some other ways to relieve migraine pain instantly! Check the video below for more instructions.

These techniques will free you from any unpleasant ailment. Share them with your friends, and improve the quality of your life.

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