If You Want To Stay Young, Beautiful and Healthy, Try These Ancient Elixirs

Numerous alchemist and healers have been searching for quite some time for the elixir of longevity, beauty and immortality.

Many interesting recipes for healing date from then and are preserved until these modern times. Contemporary people also want to stay young as long as possible, and these recipes help in achieving that.

East elixir of youth

Take 100 milliliters of lemon juice, 50 milliliters of olive oil and 200 grams of honey and mix all ingredients together. When the mixture is done, you should put it in the fridge consume one tablespoon of it a day.

You can also prepare a bit of this mixture every morning if you want it to be fresh. The measurements for a single dose are: one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, half a teaspoon of olive oil and two teaspoons of honey.

If you consume this mixture for some time, not only will you look younger, but you will also notice differences in your general looks.

Your complexion is going to become more beautiful, your eyes clearer, your skin is going to become smoother and more wonderful, and you are going to improve your digestion and the chances of you suffering from sclerosis are going to be reduced to minimum.

Tibetan potable water

Take a jar and fill it with crystal, pink and smoky quartz, agate, amethyst, and carnelian. Soak them with boiling water and let them for about eight to ten hours in a sunny place.

You should drink this potion every day, two to three cups of it a day, but you can also use it as a lotion or skin conditioner, because it improves the elasticity of the skin, it eliminates wrinkles, it helps when you have burns, bruises and cuts on your skin.

This potion will help you become rejuvenated and you will feel and look younger. It can also act as prevention of different diseases.

Caucasian drink for longevity

Put a liter of water in a pot and add 25 grams of fennel root in it. Boil for two minutes and then leave it aside for ten minutes to cool off. Consume this drink on a daily basis, three cups per day, and you will notice the difference very soon.

Egyptian tea to stay young and beautiful

The Sudanese rose tea, also known as hibiscus was well known even in ancient Egypt.

Some leftovers of it were found by archeologists in the pyramids. This tea is still popular and widely consumed.

The hibiscus is abundant in antioxidants, which makes it very beneficial for your skin.

They protect the skin from getting old, and that is why consuming this tea on a regular basis will make you preserve your youth and beauty longer.

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