Tachycardia can indicate a dangerous problem, so it is important to know a few things about it.

Cardiac dysfunction, which is characterized by a rapid heartbeat, is also called tachycardia or tachyarrhythmia.

Although it is not always a symptom of a critical and dangerous disease, there are cases in which it refers to just that.

Therefore, it would not be bad to know some basic things about this change, so that you can get everything you need, if your health is endangered. Normal heart function.

When it comes to an adult man, his heart beats between 60 and 100 beats per minute. Anything beyond that is considered tachycardia.

The critical number of beats is 120 times, and if such a situation occurs, you should call an ambulance immediately. How to recognize tachycardia?

There is a rapid heartbeat, which the patient describes as throbbing, accompanied by chest discomfort.

What symptoms may accompany tachycardia?

Dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain and fainting are common companions of tachycardia, regardless of its type.

What causes tachycardia?

Numerous factors cause the heart to beat faster. Fear, anxiety, medication, anemia, heart failure, overactive thyroid gland and strenuous training are just some of them.

Supraventricular tachycardia is common in people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes, which occurs due to problems with the conduction of electrical signals through the heart.

Is tachycardia dangerous?

In some cases, tachycardia is completely harmless and accompanies activities such as running or sudden fear or panic. It has been observed that in younger women, tachycardia occurs in response to a drop in blood pressure.

However, if it occurs suddenly, for no apparent reason or for a clear reason, and if it occurs more than once for completely unknown reasons, you should consult a doctor.

If a rapid heartbeat is accompanied by fainting, and especially if someone complains of a rapid heartbeat faints, call an ambulance immediately. How is tachycardia diagnosed? Measuring your heart rate is a logical first step.

If the problem with rapid heartbeat lasts for a long time, it is recommended to have an electrocardiographic examination. In case the patient occasionally feels palpitations, which did not appear during the examination, it is monitored with the help of Holter monitoring, ie monitoring of the heartbeat for 24 hours.

An echocardiographic test of a lying ergobike is sometimes used, which detects heart disease more effectively than regular stress tests. How is it treated? Because tachycardia is only a symptom, it does not heal on its own, so therapy depends solely on what causes it.

While in people experiencing supraventricular tachycardia, physicians always advise to reduce alcohol and caffeine intake and to quit smoking altogether, patients suffering from sinus tachycardia are often advised to adjust their lifestyle; be less exposed to stress or “slow down” in responsibilities.

Thus, tachycardia does not always require treatment, but the fact is that it can be life-threatening. Therefore, you should consult a doctor.

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