Lemon Juice Plus Baking Soda Saves 1000S Of Lives Each Year

Lemon and baking soda are miraculous combination for effective and inexpensive cancer treatment. Can cancer be cured with nothing more than lemon and baking soda?

The misled doctors and the big pharma are embarrassed to find that cancer could be cured with these two ingredients. All of their billions in profits would disappear. Lemon and Baking soda are Miraculous combination: 10, 000 times stronger than Chemotherapy!

Cancer – Lemons

The connection between cancer and lemons isn’t something new. For years, scientists have wondered, “Is lemon a cancer killer?”

An interesting fact is the source of this information: It comes from one of the largest producers of medications, which says that after 20 laboratory tests conducted since 1970 until now it has been proved that: Lemon destroys carcinogenic cells in 12 forms of cancer.

Also it prevents the spread of carcinogenic cells and has 10,000 times stronger effect than medications such as chemotherapy, anticancer drugs and narcotic products.

Lemon has a very strong antimicrobial effect with a very broad spectrum of activity against bacterial and fungal infections. Lemon is effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure and is a powerfulantidepressant, reduces stress and nerve crises.

Additionally, the studies also show that lemon extract therapy only affects malignant cells, leaving healthy cells unharmed.

Lemon has anti-carcinogenic properties, because it contains limonoids that are found in a number of citrus fruits. It’s also rich in vitamin C and helps your body neutralize harmful free radicals in cells.

Limonene, which is a substance that’s found in lemons, also helps stimulate the lymphatic circulation that is important to eliminate carcinogens from the body. Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including limonene, citrus pectin and flavonol glycosides – which stop cell division in cancer cells.

A study published in the journal, Cancer Research in 2009, is among the first to confirm that the alkalinizing effect of sodium bicarbonate can indeed stop cancer.

By injecting sodium bicarbonate into a group of mice, the authors of the study were able to determine how the growth and spread of cancer tumors were effected by raising the pH of the organ affected by the cancer.The study results showed that baking soda indeed raised the pH and reduced spontaneous metastases in mice induced with breast cancer.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini, has found a simple, very inexpensive and  effective cancer treatment centered around the use of sodium bicarbonate, taken orally or by infusion. Sodium bicarbonate administered directly on the neoplastic masses is said to destroy the fungal colonies lying at the “heart” of the tumor.

Dr. Simoncini is convinced that baking soda`s anti fungal action is the curative agent. This baking soda treatment is based on the thesis that “Cancer Is a Fungus”. He has observed the presence of Candida as the field wherein cancers thrive and sees that Candida as the cancer`s source. Directly killing the fungus gets rid of the cancer.

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