Man Overcomes Diabetes Without Medicine!

A man who was diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension in 2011 made a revolutionary change of his state and fought the diseases!

His diagnosis meant that he had to take insulin and high blood pressure pills to treat his issues, but he rejected such a treatment and decided to naturally cure himself.

He started consuming raw vegetables and fruits and restored his health!

Namely, 4 and a half years ago, he felt constant thirst and decided to check his condition at his doctor. The doctor informed him that the levels of sugar were increased up to 29.0 mmol/L , and his pancreas stopped working. Therefore, he told him that the use of insulin was inevitable.

Initially, the man started taking insulin on a daily basis and became physically active, but yet, his condition aggravated with time. His triglyceride levels were 16 and his blood pressure raised up to 150/100, so the numerous medications he used additionally damaged his body.

Therefore, on New Year’s Eve in 2013, he decided to try another way to treat his illness.

He saw an episode of the show “The Edge of Science” and listened to the words of the guest, Dr. John Zirdum, who stated that consumed only raw foods for 12 years. This was the turning point, and he decided to buy a blender and start a completely new life.

He found it hard during the first week, as he couldn’t easily resist the temptation to try other foods, but he was determined to continue, and he managed to drop his blood sugar level to 5.0 mmol/L!

He no longer needed to use insulin! He continued to do the regular checkups and also kept the therapy as a backup plan if anything bad happened. He started losing weight and his condition stabilized. In only 25 days, he lost 22 pounds.

In the next three months, he became a completely new person. His blood pressure was 120/60, he no longer used insulin, the triglycerides level as reduced to 1.4 and lost over 40 pounds. What’s best about it all was that he used absolutely no medicines!

As this became his new lifestyle, he experimented with various recipes of juices and smoothies. This was his favorite one:


  • 2 bananas
  • 5 kiwis
  • 2 apples
  • A handful of kale
  • ½ l  of water


You should add all ingredients into your blender and blend them all well.


Drink half a liter of this juice on an empty stomach every morning, and consume the rest during the day.

Whenever you feel hungry, have some fruit, fruit salads, or a tuna salad, which is high in vitamin B12. This will keep you full as your brain will feel that your stomach is not empty. It will also receive information that the blood has all the needed nutrients.

This healthy regime will provide impressive health benefits!

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