Never Get Sick: 12 Natural Habits That Boost Your Immune System

There are many factors that contribute to strengthening the immune system and the prevention of diseases. Some of them are the food that we consume, our attitude and the exercises that we get.

Have a giggle

We have all heard that laughing is healthy and it is indeed. It can improve you immune system as well as your mood. Laughter raises the levels of antibodies in the blood and those of the white blood cells. These antibodies are responsible of killing bacteria and viruses, so in this way it prevents you from diseases. But not only that it also increases the number of antibodies in the mucus made in the nose and the respiratory passages and thus prevents many germs from entering into the body.

Sing your way healthy

It might sound strange but a German choir revealed that singing activities are capable of increasing the blood concentrations of antibodies. If you feel ashamed singing in front of other people there is always the possibility of singing your favorite song under the shower.

Choose friendly fats

Doctors recommend avoiding the consumption of fats, but the thing is that there are some fats that are essential for building cells and production of prostaglandins, hormone-like compounds that regulate the immune system’s response to infection, such as the way it reacts by making white blood cells that combat invaders. Italian athletes who were on very low-fat diets were found to have decreased the number of cells.

You should not avoid fats but you should choose them with care. Reach for vegetable fats and avoid saturated ones from animal foods because they decrease the ability of white blood cells to zap bacteria. Also don’t consume trans fats, manufactured fats labeled as “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated.”  These can be found in many processed foods but they can only do harm to your immune system.

Stay away from sugar

Sugar is really harmful for your health. The facts show that only 10 teaspoons of sugar, the amount in two 12-ounce cans of soda or carbonated lemonade— prevent the white blood cells to deactivate or kill bacteria.  Instead of sugar start consuming natural sweetener, for example you can use the one made from the stevia plant. Also you can try out alternatives like aspartame.

Feast on fish

One of the essential thing for building the cells that fight off invaders are the proteins and the fatty acids called omega-3s that can be found in the oily fishes like sardines, herring, and mackerel. They are great for improvement of the immunity system. Acute inflammation is the first response when the body is attacked.  Omega-3s lower the production of inflammatory compounds and increase the production of anti-inflammatory ones, thus aiding recovery and even suppressing the growth of cancer cells. In clinical trials, omega-3s have also been found to activate parts of the immune system that switch off the activities of attack cells once their job is done.

Make room for mushrooms

There is one certain type of mushroom that has been valued in the Far East more than 2,000 years it is so called reishi mushroom. Some scientists who made researches on it claim that it is capable of stimulating the production of T-cells- white blood cells the ones that protect the body from infections. It also increases the level of substances that boost the immunity system. Yet there are some other benefits from it, it will make you sleep better and will relieve you from stress. It does this by suppressing the production of adrenaline.

Eat more citrus

Consume fruits like oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit they are rich with vitamin C and will increase the activity of phagocytes (cells that engulf and digest bacteria) in the blood. Vitamin C is one  of the vitamins that can`t be stored in the body and you have to consume it every day.

Get moving

Exercise as much as possible move your body because in that way the body will increase the production of blood cells that attack bacterial invaders and in that way improve your immunity system. If possible exercise regularly and for longer period because in that way the changes in your body will be long lasting. Some researches that have been done in U.S showed that exercise moderately on five or six days a week have half as many colds and sore throats as people who don’t.

But get rest too

Have in mind that besides exercising and good trainings your body needs rest too. 90 minute training produces germ-fighting cells called macrophages dips temporarily and in that way unluckily increases the risk of infections. So make some place for recovery days in your training schedule.

Toughen up with almonds

If you want to keep yourself from infections consume 3 ounces of almonds every day.  Researchers from Italia conducted a study in which they studied the herpes viruses that cause cold sores and they found that a chemical in almond skins improves the ability of white blood cells to detect viruses. They also found that the chemical could prevent a virus from spreading throughout the body.

Don’t let yourself freeze

Probably you have heard your mom saying that you will get cold if your extremities are cold, well this is true.  It was conducted an interesting study in which 180 people took part. Half of them were ask to put their feet in a bowl with cold water and to keep it for 20 minutes and the other half were asked to put their feet in empty bowl.  What they found out after 5 days was that 20 percent of people with chilled feet had developed colds compared with 9 percent of those whose feet stayed warm. The thing is that cold extremities reduce the supply of white blood cells which are the first line of defense against invader of the immunity system.

Resist infection with veggies

You can boost your resistance to infections by consuming garlic, onions, stews and other dishes because they contain antiviral substances. There are many other vegetables that contain the same properties that can be added to your infection-fighting armory, including carrots and sweet potatoes. Vegetables contain beta carotene, which has an anti-inflammatory action and raises the rate at which white blood cells are produced. Some of them which we strongly recommend you to start consuming are: chile peppers, shiitake mushrooms and ginger.

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