Only A Glass Of This Juice Will Help You Unclog Arteries

Heart attacks and strokes are some of the main causes of death in the United States on a yearly basis. To be more precise, one third of the deaths is caused by a cardiovascular disease, and over 2500 people die because of these diseases every day.

One of the causes of this many deaths is clogged arteries. An unhealthy lifestyle contributes to this condition, as well as the consumption of processed and fatty foods which lead to fat deposits in the blood vessels.

We offer you a recipe that will aid you in cleansing your body of toxins and unclog the fat from your blood vessels. Here is the way in which you should prepare it:


  • a tablespoon of grated ginger
  • a cup of tomato juice, freshly squeezed
  • two celery stalks
  • one hot pepper, or half a teaspoon of pepper
  • ΒΌ cup of lemon juice


Put the lemon juice, the tomato juice, the ginger, the celery and the ground hot pepper in a blender and let it mix them well. In the end, you should get about one cup of a drink.


Take this incredible beverage between meals. Additionally, you should not consume more than three cups of this drink a day.

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