Put A Drop Of Vinegar And Alcohol In Your Ear And Say Goodbye To Earwax

It is not coincidence that wax is present in our ears. Wax has its role and it is to prevent dirt, dust and bacteria from entering in the inside of the ear.

But unluckily most of the people don’t see it in this way, they see it rather a sign of dirt and as such they remove it every day. In order to remove it people use a cotton swab which pushes the bacteria into the interior of the ear.

What you should know is that the excess ear wax falls out on its own so there is no need for its removal at all.

Removing the wax every day can cause blockage which can disable the further release of wax, additionally causing headaches, sinus problems, earache, impaired hearing, and sometimes dizziness.

All the above mentioned is the reason why Doctor David Hill decided to help people with simple advise. He says that we should mix vinegar and alcohol in equal amounts and put a drop of it in the ear.

While doing this we should lie down and leave the mixture for 1 minute. After that we should stand up and simply leak out.

This powerful mixture will unblock the wax, stimulate its removal and prevent any unpleasant symptoms.

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