Put This Oil On Your Wrist To Soothe Carpal Tunnel Pain In 4 Weeks Or Less

If you are reading this article at the moment, then you probably know about carpal tunnel pain and carpal tunnel syndrome and feel the pain in the moment.

The pain might be radiating up your whole arm, or it might be numb or tingly.

You probably have sought for a solution, you have set up your work situation more ergonomically, and you have been taking breaks and stretching, etc. however, this you have not tried.

The oil you need to try

We are talking about flaxseed oil, or linseed oil, the oil that solves this problem.

The Teheran University of Medical Studies has recently published a study that showed that applying flaxseed oil topically on the wrists relieves pain and improves the mobility.

100 participants were involved and they were divided into two groups, one of which got placebo oil to use, and the other one got linseed oil. They were told to rub the oil in the wrist every day for a month and wear a splint over it every night.

After the month was over, the groups answered a questionnaire and it was found out that the group that used flaxseed oil had started experiencing less pain and improved mobility.

Why it works

Flaxseed oil is efficient thanks to the nutrients in its content. It is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, almost 50 percent, which are beneficial for reducing inflammation.

The remaining 50 percent contain B vitamins, protein and antioxidants. It has plenty lignan antioxidants, also good for reducing inflammation.

The skin absorbs these helpful ingredients, and thus the pain is reduced. You can also consume it with your dinner, and thus prevent diabetes, heart disease and dementia.

Some other thing worth a go

Other foods like salmon and spinach may also be helpful.

You should also take regular breaks, stretch, avoid repetitive tasks and practice massage therapy.

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