Remember This Every Time You Want To Prepare Food In The Microwave

You have probably heard that you should remove microwave from your kitchen, and that it isn’t recommended to prepare your food in it. On the other hand, there are any strong arguments to support this idea. Keep reading and learn which the top 4 myths are when it comes to preparing food in this electric oven.

Container for Preparing Food

Choosing the right container in which your will prepare or rehear the food is really important. Never use plastic, metal, or cardboard containers, as they can deform, or even explode. Remember, ceramic and glass containers are the only ones you are allowed to use.


Even though it is true that microwave ovens emit radiation, the fact that these rays are dangerous is false. Each microwave goes through certain security tests before it is put up for sale. Radiation is measured on a spectrum from highest to lowest frequency. Only the high forms of radiation cause damage to DNA and lead to various diseases. Taking into consideration the fact that microwave emits low radiation, it is completely safe to use.

Toxic Foods

Although the stories about dangerous and toxic compounds produced by the microwave oven have bombarded the Internet, this is definitely not true. According to many professionals, there isn’t any clear evidence that microwave has some negative and detrimental impact on our health. Every method of heating food creates certain alternations, and microwave as one of way of heating does so too. However, it creates less toxic compounds than cooking on an open fire.

Kills Food Nutrients

This one is definitely a myth, as all types of thermal processing of foods kill some of its nutrients. Longer cooking at high temperatures causes the food to lose more nutrients, so certain vitamins can evaporate if cooked too long. In this aspect, microwave has some advantages. As preparing food in microwave means cooking at lower temperatures with less water, your meal is likely to have more nutrients in comparison to a meal cooked on the stove.

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