Simple Tips to Get Rid of Black Knees/Elbows

If you have black knees and elbows – don’t worry, there is a solution to your problem. There are several home remedies that will help you get rid of dark knees and elbows. These remedies are low cost, natural, and with no side effects.

The causes for dark knees and elbows might be the following:
  • Dead skin accumulation
  • Exposure to friction
  • Pigmentation
  • Skin discoloration
  • Sun tan
  • Changes in hormone levels
  • Heredity
Here are a tip on how to lighten the skin on your elbows and knees:

Wet your skin and remove any dirt with a soap or a cleanser. Then gently exfoliate the skin using rice bran, oats, almond, salt mixed with water or milk. This will make your skin glow. Massage the area for 5 – 10 minutes and wash the skin. Hydrate your skin with a moisturizer to leave it smooth and soft. The best natural moisturizing agents are aloe vera gel, almond oil, seaweed paste. Later you can apply sunscreen lotion on the skin. Using skin whitening and bleaching agents will help you get a lighter skin tone.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Knees and Elbows:
Tip 1


  • Aloe vera,
  • Honey

How to use:
This homemade remedy has been used for years. Add some honey in a fresh aloe vera juice. Mix it well and apply the mixture on the affected areas. Leave it on for 20 minutes, and then wash it with water. This wonderful mixture will rejuvenate the skin and give it a healthy and fresh look.

Tip 2


  • Gram Flour,
  • Milk

How to use:
Make a paste using gram flour and milk. Apply it and gently massage for 15 minutes. Allow it to dry and wash it off with water. Gram flour acts as a scrub in removing dead skin cells.

Tip 3


  • Almond
  • Milk

How to use:
Make a paste using almond and milk. Use this mixture every day to get the best results. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E, and help in eliminating toxins from your body.

Tip 4


  • Hydrogen Peroxide

How to use:
Dip a cotton pad in Hydrogen Peroxide and spread it evenly on the affected area. Wash it after 10 minutes. Regular usage of Hydrogen peroxide may dry the skin, so make sure to moisturize it immediately after using Hydrogen peroxide.

Tip 5


  • Cucumber

How to use:
Take a cucumber, cut it into pieces and mash it. Apply and leave this paste for about 10-15 minutes and then wash it off. Cucumbers are great for boosting your skin tone.

Tip 6


  • Orange Peel
  • Honey

How to use:
Take a dried orange peel and grind it into powder. Add some honey to it and make a fine paste. Massage the skin in circular motion and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse it off with water.

Tip 7


  • Sandalwood Powder,
  • Rose Water

How to use:  
Sandalwood is an antibiotic and acts as a cleanser. Mix sandalwood powder and rose water to make a paste. Apply it on the skin, allow it to dry and rinse it off.

Tip 8


  • Vinegar,
  • curd

How to use:
Blend vinegar and curd in equal proportions. Massage your knees and elbows with this mixture and wash it off after 10 minutes.

 Tip 9


  • Milk

How to use:
Milk is widely used as a skin bleacher. Dip a cotton pad in milk and rub it gently on the skin. Wash it off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Tip 10


  • Lemon juice

How to use:
Lemon juice has long been used as a bleaching agent.  It is rich in vitamin C and citric acid. Do this daily: rub lemon juice on your knees and elbows and wash it off with warm water.

Tip 11


  • Potato,
  • rose water

How to use:
Potato is used as an ideal tan removing agent. It is widely used as a bleaching agent. Peel the potato skin and grate it. Then make it into a paste by adding rose water. Apply it on the skin and wash it off after 20 minutes.

Tip 12


  • Olive oil

How to use:
Use olive oil just like you would use a body lotion before going to bed. Its antioxidant properties will keep the skin fair. Its excellent moisturizing properties will hydrate the skin.


There is an old saying “Better prevent than cure”. The following techniques are simple and will help you prevent dark knees and elbows.

Scrub: The act of scrubbing is called exfoliation. Scrubbing removes the dead skin and the dirt that darkens skin. Too much scrubbing will result in dry and damaged skin, so use gentle and mild scrubbing agents.

Sunscreen lotion: Always apply sunscreen lotion before exposing yourself to the sun or water. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays will damage the skin and result in premature aging. If it is too sunny, apply sunscreen lotion every 3 hours. Try to wear long sleeves and long pants to protect your skin from the sun. Make sure that your sunscreen lotion is with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF).

Healthy diet: Eating the right food at the right time is the best mantra for a perfect skin. Include many fruits and vegetables in your diet, with adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Healthy diet will make your skin glow.

Water: Apart from using moisturizing and hydrating agents, it’s good to hydrate the skin from the inside. Drink loads of water every day to keep your skin healthy and fit.

Reduce your usage of deodorants/perfumes to a minimum.

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