Six Natural Remedies For Lowering Blood Pressure Fast

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, doesn’t affect only elderly people anymore. To the contrary, more than 1/3 of young people between the ages of 16 and 34 are experiencing some form of hypertension. According to a recent study conducted at California, if it remains unchecked, even the milk form of this cardiovascular disease can result in brain damage as well as premature aging.

This growing health epidemic is traditionally treated with taking more blood pressure medications, such as angiotensin-receptor blockers. However, many studies relate this medication to development of cancer and other severe health conditions. Luckily, there is an alternative medicine route, which is known as the common-sense route. It focus is put on consumption of herbs and foods that naturally lower blood pressure levels, without causing any detrimental side effects.

The following six natural and quick remedies can help you maintain your blood pressure levels normal. They also aid in avoiding long-term health risk associated with hypertension.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric, commonly known as curcumin, is barely taken into consideration as a superfood. In fact, the modern science is just barely hitting the tip of the iceberg concerning its healing properties. One of the main health benefits of this herb is its ability to significantly reduce inflammation, throughout the body. This is of vast importance because the inflammation is the main cause of high cholesterol as well as high blood pressure. In addition, by reducing inflammation, turmeric helps improve cardiovascular function and keep healthy blood flow.

Piperine is one of the main active ingredients of non-irradiated black pepper. When turmeric is taken together with black pepper, it is a powerhouse at loosening up blood vessels as well as clearing the buildup that leads to hypertension. In addition, turmeric acts as natural blood thinner, which is another way this potent herb helps in the fight against high blood pressure.

  1. Raw Almonds

The regular consumption of just a handful of raw almonds can make a notable difference in keeping your blood pressure levels under control. Raw almonds are the main component of DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet) thanks to its high concentration of monounsaturated fats. According to many studies, these fats are proven to help lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce arterial inflammation, and finally lower blood pressure levels.

Despite the fact that almonds are high in calories and fat, they also promote building of lean muscle and weight loss. This means that they promote healthy circulation as well. When taken alongside other nuts with blood pressure- lowering properties, such as walnuts, almonds are one of the most potent cardiovascular “superfoods” at your disposal.

  1. Garlic

According to a 2010 study out of Australia, garlic is another potent food-based medicine that naturally lowers both cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Many people cannot stand the strong smell of the garlic and that is the main reason they avoid it. The good news is that you can find garlic in the form of capsule supplements or garlic tablets. Taking them is a great way of consuming the herb in sufficient amounts to derive notable benefits.

  1. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a potent vasodilator, which means that it helps expand vessels and keep healthy blood flow. This spice is considered to be one of the fastest foods to lower blood pressure. The aforementioned properties of the cayenne pepper naturally lower blood pressure levels by increasing the rate at which blood flows throughout the circulatory system. In this way some of the pressure on arterial walls is taken off.

All you need to do in order to get a powerful homemade remedy for lowering blood pressure normally, is to mix 1-2 teaspoons of cayenne pepper in either warm water or tea with both aloe vera and honey. However, some people may find this drink too spicy for their taste. In that case, taking cayenne pepper capsule supplements would be a great solution to alleviating hypertension.

  1. Raw Cacao

Raw cacao is rich in flavonoids and other anti-inflammatory nutrients. It is considered to be a great food-based weapon against high blood pressure, and after reading this article, you will probably want to keep it stocked in your kitchen. Stress is common cause for hypertension and the flavonoids found in cacao act as adaptogens which help the body deal with stress, which in turn alleviates hypertension. In addition, the flavonoids regulate stress hormone levels in the body, which play a crucial role in regulating blood pressure levels.

According to many studies, the cacao flavonoids reduce blood pressure levels upon consumption, resulting in an average blood pressure reduction of 4.7/2.8 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). These compounds prevent heart disease and stroke as well, which are often associated with hypertension.

  1. Coconut Water

It is scientifically confirmed that regular consumption of coconut water lowers blood pressure levels, thanks to its high concentration of electrolytes, potassium, and other important nutrients. According to a recent study published in the West Indian Medical Journal, the consumption of coconut water helped 71 % of participants achieve a notable reduction in systolic pressure, and 29% of participants achieve a notable reduction in diastolic pressure. When participants drank both coconut water and mauby, a tropical drink made from buckthorn tree bark, the results were even more astonishing.

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